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Google Funding for K-12 Computer Science

google RISE logoApplications for the 2014 Google RISE (Roots in Science and Engineering) Awards are due September 30. Organizations can receive up to $50,000 to expand successful K-12 computer science programs or include computer science in STEM programs aimed at girls and underrepresented minorities.

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MIT Videos Convey Key STEM Concepts

video screens with bookAre your students vexed by vectors or mystified by electricity? MIT’s Open Courseware offers a series of videos designed to help students learn these and other pivotal concepts in science, technology, engineering, mathematics that are the building blocks of many engineering curricula.

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New Lens on Ocean Environment

undersea coral shelfExplore dead zones and learn about threats to undersea habitats in an engaging, video-rich education program from Earth Echo International designed to empower youth to help protect “our water planet.”

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Teachers’ Top Apps

education appThe market for educational apps has exploded, but which ones work best for teachers?
Michelle Luhtala, a high school librarian from Connecticut, crowd-sourced an extensive list of top apps voted on by educators around the country.

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Engineering Map of America

Trans-Alaska pipelineWhat do the Trans-Alaska pipeline, Brooklyn Bridge, and aviatrix Amelia Earhart have in common? They’re all featured on a new, interactive map of America’s greatest engineering feats and engineering-education milestones developed by PBS’s American Experience with organizations like the American Society for Engineering Education.

U.S. Geological Survey/photo of trans-Alaskan pipeline by Dave Houseknecht

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NASA Summer STEM Fun

NASA Earth from spaceNASA has a host of heavenly STEM offerings for students and teachers this summer. Check them out!

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STEMtheGAP Teacher Challenge

students in science labDo you have a great idea for boosting STEM education? Dow’s STEMtheGap competition, open to all K-12 teachers nationwide, will reward the best 100 ideas with a $1,000 grant.

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Put the E in STEM at ASEE’s K-12 Workshop

ASEE K-12 workshop logoLearn how to incorporate engineering into classroom lessons and at home in ASEE’s day-long workshop for educators and parents on April 26 at the USA Science & Engineering Festival in Washington, D.C.

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PBS Tools for Next Gen Science Instruction

PBS Design Squad Nate Ball ascendsTo help teachers implement the engineering design components in the Next Generation Science Standards, public broadcaster WGBH and Engineering is Elementary have created a free, online media library drawn from Design Squad, NOVA ScienceNow, and other PBS series.

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