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New App Aids Class Participation

Using an AppEver stumble with students’ names? Or struggle to perk up class participation? Most schools view cellphones as disruptive nuisances, but a new iPhone app called Pikme could turn them into powerful tools for educators.

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STEM Activities: Time to Invent

Time to Invent ClubThe Time to Invent Club, an invention-based mentoring program, helps students participate in fun, hands-on invention activities that spark their interest in STEM. They tackle challenges, gain confidence through inventing and creative problem-solving, meet STEM professions, and realize the impact invention has on daily life.

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Free Courses for STEM Teachers

Johns HopkinsJohns Hopkins University’s Engineering for Professionals (EP) program, part of the Whiting School of Engineering, will provide free tuition beginning with the summer term to Maryland public and private high school teachers who want to further their professional development in STEM disciplines.

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Earth Day 2011

recycle2For more than 40 years, Earth Day — April 22 — has been inspiring individuals and communities to protect the planet. For 2011, Earth Day Network, the world’s largest environmental advocacy group, hopes to mobilize 1 billion “Acts of Green.”

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PBS Offers Early Engineering Online

PBS TeacherLinePBS has introduced an online course to strengthen elementary teachers’ STEM strategies. Called Inspire Elementary Students with Engineering, it was developed at Purdue University to provide an early foundation in engineering.

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Maryland Launches STEM Teacher Network

Using a ComputerThe Maryland Business Roundtable plans to start an online networking site where STEM teachers can share lesson plans and connect with university, government, and corporate experts. The STEMnet site will debut in one large district this spring then expand to other districts next fall.

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Website: Northrop Grumman Teacher Resources

Galileo Teacher Training ProgramEngineering company Northrop Grumman provides a number of professional development and class resources for teachers, including the Weightless Flights of Discovery Program, which allows teachers to experience microgravity; the EarthWatch Educator Program where teachers participate in an expedition focused on climate change or oceans preservation; the Galileo Teacher Training Program, which involves workshops using telescopic investigations; and more.

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Outreach: STOMP from Tufts University

Students Work Together in STOMPThe Student Teacher Outreach Mentorship Program (STOMP) at Tufts University partners Tufts University students with K-12 teachers in the greater Boston, Mass. area to create an engineering curriculum that reaches across all disciplines, peaks the students’ interests in engineering, and improves the students’ problem-solving skills. Teacher resources such as class activities, full units, a list of websites, and grant information are also available.

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Outreach: Purdue College of Science

Purdue K-12 Science Outreach ProgramPurdue’s College of Science K-12 Outreach program provides professional development programs for teachers, forms long term partnerships with school districts, and presents activities for students. It also offers class visits, curricular programs, laboratory equipment, and other activities aimed at the improvement of science and math education.

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