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Wizardly Wands

sparklersIn this activity, high school juniors and seniors learn such core chemistry concepts as reaction rates and thermodynamics by making and demonstrating their own Harry Potter-style “magic wands” (sparklers). The lab, which also can serve as a fun Advanced Placement course review, concludes with a class duel between wands of two different chemical compositions.

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Squishy Circuits

squishy circuitIn this fun activity developed by St. Thomas University engineering associate professor AnnMarie Thomas, students of all ages learn the basic principles of electricity by fashioning circuits from play dough, batteries, and LEDs. No soldering necessary!

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Cisco’s Internet of Things Contest

eiffel towerWhat is a current or emerging problem that can be solved by connecting more devices and everyday objects to the Internet or other networks? Young woman between the ages of 13 and 18 who like to take a creative approach to projects will find the Cisco Internet of Things World Forum Young Women’s Innovation Grand Challenge is for them!

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Pipe-Cleaner Towers

pipe cleanersIn this short, fun activity for students in grades 2 to 12, teams learn about the engineering design process, including constraints on time and materials, by building the tallest free-standing tower out of pipe-cleaners.

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Innovative App Challenge 2014/15

mobile app kidSaving energy and helping a blind classmate navigate around the school were among the winning mobile app designs that student teams submitted in the Verizon Innovative App Challenge this year. Registration for the 2014/15 contest opens August 4, 2014.

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Wind Power for Your Home

wind turbineIn this activity, students in grades 9-11 learn how engineers harness the energy of the wind by following the engineering design process to create and test two prototype wind turbines to see which works best. They also learn about where to place a wind turbine for maximum effectiveness, and to weigh the advantages and disadvantages compared with other energy sources.

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Snack Bag Assembly

Cookie decoratingIn this delicious exercise, middle school students in teams of 3 to 5 learn about the field of industrial engineering by creating an assembly line to pack as many snack bags in 2 minutes as possible. They then see if they can improve their process.

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Chair Lift Challenge

chair lift

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2014 TEAMS Contest to Improve Cities

TEAMS competition logo“Engineering Tomorrow’s Cities,” the theme of the Technology Students Association’s 2014 National Tests of Engineering Aptitude, Mathematics and Science (TEAMS) Competition, asks middle and high school students to address such urgent societal needs as fresh water supplies and green space. The daylong competition will be held at the TSA annual conference in Washington, D.C., June 27 to July 1.

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