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Contest: California Energy Calendar 2011

California students grades 3 through 8 are invited to create award-winning artwork for the 2011 Energy Calendar, in a contest sponsored by the California Energy Commission. Twelve entries will be chosen to illustrate the calendar for the year 2011. Prizes included a $250 U.S. Savings Bond and copies of the Energy 2011 Calendar. Deadline: April 15, 2010.

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Contest: Science and Engineering, WA

The Washington Science Teachers Association (WSTA) invites students grades K-12 to participate in the WSTA Science and Engineering Contest to be held Sat., May 1, 2010 (West side) and Sat., April 10, 2010 (East side). Registration cost: $5.00 per student. Entry deadline: April 3 (East side), April 23 (West side). Students must be present to compete.

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2010 Intel Schools of Distinction

The 2010 Intel Schools of Distinction Awards program is open for applications. The National Center for Technological Literacy at the Museum of Science, Boston is a sponsor of this program, which recognizes K-12 U.S. schools demonstrating 21st century teaching and learning environments and implementing innovative programs that inspire their students to excel in the areas of math and science.

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Contest: Bridge Design, Long Island High School Students

For this bridge building contest sponsored by the Office of Educational Programs (OEP), Brookhaven National Laboratory, high school students from Long Island, NY submit their bridges to the ultimate pressure test, and compete to take part in a national contest. Bridge submission deadline: March 3, 2010.

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Engineer’s Week Bridge Building Contest

The Northeast Indiana Engineers Week Committee and the Anthony Wayne Chapter of the Indiana Society of Professional Engineers holds their annual Student Bridge Competitions for middle and high school students on Feb. 13 and Feb. 20 respectively. Students build a variety of different bridge models, and then their designs are tested by applying weight loads.

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Contest: West Point Bridge Design

The West Point Bridge Design Contest aims to provide middle school and high school students with a realistic, engaging introduction to engineering. The contest is provided as a service to education–and as a tribute to the Academy’s two hundred years of service to the United States of America. Contest registration opens January 28, 2010, with first qualifying round closing March 5, 2010.

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