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Exhibit: Designing Tomorrow. Washington, DC. Oct 2010-July 2011


The Designing Tomorrow exhibit at the National Building Museum, in Washington, D.C., October 2, 2010 -July 10, 2011, explores the modernist spectacles of architecture and design Americans witnessed at the nation’s world’s fairs between 1933 and 1940 — visions of a brighter future during the worst economic crisis the United States had known. The fairs popularized modern design for the American public and promoted the idea of science and consumerism as salvation from the Great Depression.

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Exhibits: The Skyscraper Museum, NYC


New York City’s Skyscraper Museum celebrates a rich architectural heritage and examines the historical forces and individuals that have shaped its successive skylines. Through exhibitions, programs and publications, the museum explores tall buildings as objects of design, products of technology, sites of construction, investments in real estate, and places of work and residence. Cost: $5, $2.50 for students and seniors.

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Event: Engineers Without Borders Award, Sept. 21


Engineers Without Borders-USA has been awarded the Turner Prize for Innovation in Construction Technology by the The National Building Museum for its work connecting engineering students with international development projects. Come join the public ceremony on Sept. 21, 6:30-8:00 p.m., at the National Building Museum in Washington, DC. Presenters will share EWB-USA’s efforts to provide clean water, sustainable energy, and needed infrastructure to communities across the world while also instilling a sense of global responsibility in the next generation of engineers. Cost: Free for Students, $20 non-members, $12 members.

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Event: X-Prize Automotive Prize. Sept. 16, 2010

xprize car competitionNational Geographic airs a Sept. 16, 2010 TV special on competitors who undertook the Progressive Insurance Automotive X PRIZE challenge to create the world’s most fuel efficient car. The Geographic episode coincides with public award ceremony in Washington, DC, for the winners of $10 million contest.

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Event: Arizona Science Teacher Symposium. Sept. 25, 2010

teachersymposiumFrom processing forensic evidence to exploring brain function, to studying GPS mapping, teachers will participate in a wide variety of hands-on workshops at the 4th Annual Arizona K-12 Science Teacher Symposium, Saturday, September 25, 2010 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. The event is presented by The University of Arizona’s BIO5 Institute. Cost: $40.

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Outreach: STOMP from Tufts University

Students Work Together in STOMPThe Student Teacher Outreach Mentorship Program (STOMP) at Tufts University partners Tufts University students with K-12 teachers in the greater Boston, Mass. area to create an engineering curriculum that reaches across all disciplines, peaks the students’ interests in engineering, and improves the students’ problem-solving skills. Teacher resources such as class activities, full units, a list of websites, and grant information are also available.

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Outreach: Purdue College of Science

Purdue K-12 Science Outreach ProgramPurdue’s College of Science K-12 Outreach program provides professional development programs for teachers, forms long term partnerships with school districts, and presents activities for students. It also offers class visits, curricular programs, laboratory equipment, and other activities aimed at the improvement of science and math education.

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Program: The Nifty Fifty

Nifty FiftyThe Nifty Fifty are a group of engineering and science professionals chosen to fan out across the Washington, DC area October 12 -20 to speak about their work and careers at various middle and high schools. Part of the 2010 USA Science and Engineering Festival, each speaker will make at least one, three-hour commitment, where they provide their own visuals and have lunch with a subset of interested students.

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Event: Youth in Technology Summit, Maryland, Nov. 13

Youth in Technology SummitThe College of Southern Maryland’s 3rd Annual Youth in Technology Summit, a day complete with technology demonstrations, STEM workshops, building trades, college and technical school planning, career development, networking, and more, will be held on November 13, 2010.

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