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SciJinks for Kids: Wild Weather

SciJinks volcanoFrom tidal curiosities and solar flares to bad weather jokes, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s SciJinks website offers a wealth of resources for learning and teaching about Earth’s climate and geography.

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For Toy Engineers, Work is Child’s Play

rubber duckyEver walk through a store’s toy department and wonder: Who dreams up these action figures, games, and other fun stuff? Toy engineers do! They get to play for a living, designing and making new toys to engage or educate kids of all ages.

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Get Your Game On!

get your game onDo your students enjoy gaming? Harness their interest – and boost their STEM learning – with the Got Game design contest sponsored by STEMFuse.The competition is open to students in grades 5 – 12.

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Lesson: Dance Pad Mania

dance pad revolutionIn this lesson, pairs of students in grades 4 to 7 will learn about the engineering design process and electrical circuits by building a dance pad that sounds a buzzer or flashes a light when stepped on.

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Simulations and Games Offer Learning Potential

Playing Video GamesComputer simulations and games offer “great potential” to assist inquiry-based science learning, according to a report by the National Research Council. They may help boost motivation, understanding and skills, and encourage students to identify with science.

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Feature: Life Support Systems

Life SupportWith their problem-solving techniques and technologies engineers are well-positioned to help render U.S. healthcare more efficient, effective, and affordable. And as new and different models are conceived, engineers can help design and support them, analyzing if and how well they are working.

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Resource: Thinkfinity from Verizon

ThinkfinityVerizon Foundation’s Thinkfinity website offers comprehensive teaching and learning resources that are grade-specific and are aligned with state standards. It provides lesson plans that teach 21st Century skills, literary resources, an online group for new teachers, webinars, professional development, tips for teachers, interactive games and tools for students, family learning materials, teacher features, and more.

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Website: PBS’s DragonflyTV

A treasure trove of resources for grades 3-6, the DragonflyTV website enriches the popular PBS science T.V. programs of the same name. It features a page of experiment activities; various videoes; a focus on nanotechnology; and games, puzzlers, and riddles.

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2 DOE Kid-friendly Energy Sites

Energy Kids is an excellent K-12 teaching resource with background information, historic profiles, games, activities, and lesson plans. Kids Saving Energy focuses on students grades K-3 and saving energy in the home.

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