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Feature: Kart Me Away

evGrandPrix Line UpA Purdue University engineering professor has found that building and racing go-karts is a great way not only to interest his own students in science and engineering, but at-risk middle-school kids as well.

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N.C. Students Rev Their Green Engines

Go Green Go-KartA group of North Carolina students is literally on the fast track to going green. On May 19, design teams from Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools raced their biofuel-powered vehicles in the annual Go Green Go-Kart Competition hosted by the school system’s career center. The contest drew a whopping 24 teams, up from 11 teams last year.

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Lesson: Design a Green Rooftop Garden

Toronto Green RoofThis lesson for grades 6-8 explores how civil engineering has solved the challenge of moving water via irrigation. Students learn how irrigation systems direct water for use in farming or other purposes. Using everyday items, each team of students designs and builds an “irrigation system” capable of moving two cups of water at least three feet and distributing it evenly in two separate containers.

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Feature: Pioneer of Green Learning

Mike TownMike Town has worked in steel factories and forests, tricked out a “green” house, persuaded legislators to save the wilderness, and started a student-run “Cool Schools” energy audit, saving his district $30,000 a year. Now, the Redmond, Wash., teacher is turning an environmentalist’s eye toward federal STEM education policy.

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Earth Day 2011

recycle2For more than 40 years, Earth Day — April 22 — has been inspiring individuals and communities to protect the planet. For 2011, Earth Day Network, the world’s largest environmental advocacy group, hopes to mobilize 1 billion “Acts of Green.”

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Nickelodeon: Earth Day Events Promotion

NickelodeonThe children’s programming TV network Nickelodeon is offering to feature camera footage of events with groups performing “green activities” that promote a healthy Earth environment. Submitted footage may be featured on the network or on their website.

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Feature: Engineered for Earthquakes

1960 TsunamiFrom buildings that sway rather than collapse to tsunami seawalls and drills, Japan’s earthquake precautions have made the nation uniquely prepared for disaster. Learn how Japanese construct skyscrapers and other earthquake-resistant engineering in this New York Times feature. Such practices undoubtedly helped save lives, though the toll from last week’s temblor and giant wave continues to mount.

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Students’ Summer: Girls Go Green. Missouri S&T. July 17-22, 2011

Girls Go Green at Missouri S and TThis live-in week long camp at Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla, MO., July 17-22, 2011, gives girls in grades 11 and 12 the opportunity to explore career options that help society while protecting the environment. Attendees live together in a residential hall, meet current female student leaders and professors, participate in team projects and field trips, and explore the science and engineering behind a green environment. Cost: $350. Application Deadline: July 10, 2011.

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Lesson: Winter Insulation

Winter InsulationIn this lesson, students in grades 3 through 8 assume the role of building engineers, testing several materials to determine which would provide the best house insulation. They learn about the role of insulation in preventing heat transfer and discuss the importance of energy conservation in buildings.

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