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Contest Deadline Extended: Science Video. August 31, 2010

Deadline for the Kavli Science Video Contest has been extended to August, 31, 2010.

This contest for K-12 students invites videos that are creative, surprising, and “contagious,” spreading science enthusiasm to others. Videos might explore a scientific concept, show the wonders of nature, show what scientific discovery has done for us in the past or will do for us in the future, introduce a great scientist or engineer, or simply show why we should care about science and/or engineering. Prizes include a screening on the National Mall, money , and possibly even a trip to the Science Expo in Washington D.C.

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Students Win Engineering Contest

EngineerGirl! ContestThe National Academy of Engineering’s EngineerGirl! website announced on May 28 the winners of the 2010 EngineerGirl! – Survival Design Challenge Essay Contest. This year’s national contest asked students (grades 3-12) to describe how they would use the clothing or accessories they are wearing and items in the environment to survive or get the attention of a rescue party if they were lost during a field trip to a national forest. More than 800 students submitted essays. Prizes ranged from $500 for first place to certificates for honorable mentions.

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Contest: Virtual Science Challenge


The AT&T Virtual Science Challenge is a multimedia contest for Kentucky students entering grades 5 through 10 who want a fun, non-traditional way to showcase their ideas. The contest provides an opportunity to effectively communicate creative solutions to science challenges through interactive, web-based projects. It encourages the development of science, math, engineering, and technology skills as students work individually or in teams to tackle unconventional science challenges and post their solutions online. Prizes: include a $1,000 Grand Prize, as well as IMAX theatre tickets and memberships to the Louisville Science Center. Entry Deadline: June 15, 2010.

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Complexity Rules

Thorp High School Student at WorkRube Goldberg was an engineer-turned-Pulitzer-Prize-winning cartoonist who specialized in whimsical drawings of complicated machines designed to perform the simplest of tasks. For 23 years, the Rube Goldberg Machine contest at Purdue University has inspired high school and college teams to construct working models of the wacky machines. This year’s winner? Thorp High School in Wisconsin.

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Contest: Environmental Calendar. Alabama, grade K-6. Deadline: April 30, 2010

Legacy, Partners in Environmental Education, is sponsoring its annual Environmental Calendar Contest. Alabama students, grades K-6, are encouraged to submit a drawing concerning an environmental issue such as recycling, ozone, water conservation, wildlife, forestry, and energy conservation. Application deadline: April 30, 2010. Prizes: One $50 prize, and 12 $25 prizes, with the 13 selected drawings featured in the Legacy calendar.

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Contest: Trash to Treasure, PBS Design Squad

The PBS Design Squad Trash to Treasure Competition Challenge invites kids ages 5-19 to recycle, reuse, and re-engineer everyday materials into an out-of-the box invention. Three winners will come to Boston to see their designs built by Continuum, a design consultancy, and will appear on the Design Squad show and Website. 25 finalists will also be featured on the Website. Contest Deadline: September 5, 2010.

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Competition: Compose a Science Festival Jingle

USA Science and Engineering Festival Logo

This competition is to create a Jingle for the USA Science & Engineering Festival. It will be heard and sung by hundreds of thousands of science enthusiasts across the country. Submission Deadline: March 31, 2010. Prize for the winning Jingle: $500.

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Contest: Doodle 4 Google. Deadline: March 24, 2010

googledoodleThe Doodle 4 Google competition invites K-12 students to work their artistic will upon Google’s homepage logo, focused upon the theme “If I Could Do Anything, I Would …”

Teachers are encouraged to gather art supplies and 8.5″ x 11″paper, and encourage their students to express their creative visions for what they would do in the world, if they could do anything. Registration deadline: March 24, 2010.

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Event: Girls Day at South Dakota. April 6, 2010

The 7th Annual Girls’ Day at the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, April 6, 2010, is designed to introduce young women, grades 6 -8 to STEM careers. Girls will hear inspiring messages about STEM careeers, participate in hands-on activities, and witness demonstrations from various departments. Location: Rapid City, SD. Cost: $5.00 Registration Deadline: March 23, 2010.

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