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Curriculum: Learning Roomba

iRobot Create Modified Educational RobotThe Learning Roomba educational toolkit attempts to address robotics usability issues by keeping total costs down while making the tools as easy to use as possible. This toolkit is a collection of resources and tools to facilitate teaching robotics to pre-college students. Through these resources, students can learn about science, math, and engineering topics in a fun and exciting way.

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Getting Connected with Digital Learning

The U.S. Department of Education has issued a plan for more widespread and intense use of technology by educators. Goals include “connected teaching,” employing teams of interconnected educators in lieu of a single classroom teacher; ensuring that students and teachers can connect to learning sites anytime, in or out of school; and technology-based standards and assessments that measure 21st-century skills and expertise.

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Lab on Wheels Brings Bioscience to K-12

St. Cloud State University has developed a lab on wheels, better known as the Science Express, that visits K-12 schools in central Minnesota. The 53-foot-long semi-trailer contains a highly sophisticated science lab with equipment that no K-12 school could afford to have.

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Website: Keeping Cybersafe

SAFE-Net, a Cyber Safety Awareness program of the Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center, focuses on raising the awareness of students, parents, and educators about cyber threats, measures of protection, and cyber ethics. The website provides materials about cyber security issues, with lessons geared to grades 1-3, 4-6, and 7-12.

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Curriculum: Developing Cybersmarts

Cybersmart! provides free online curriculum for grades K-12 addressing issues of Web safety and ethics: Safety and Security Online; Cyberbullying and Ethics; Authentic Learning and Creativity; Research and Information Fluency; Twenty-First Century Challenges.

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Interactive White Boards in Classrooms

Interactive white boards are replacing traditional chalkboards in classrooms. In schools that can afford them, they provide a multimedia tool. A recent study showed that they are used most successfully by teachers who already perform well without them, effectively making the best teachers even better.

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Computer Science Education Week

During the week of December 6 – 12, educators, students and parents are invited to participate in Computer Science Education Week (CSEdWeek), designed to raise awareness of computing’s role in today’s global information society and promote in-depth computer science education for K-12 students.

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Discovery Networks to Launch STEM Programs

Discovery Communications will launch a TV programming initiative called “Be the Future” in support of the Obama Administration’s push to boost STEM education. Over the next five years, Discovery will produce an educational programming block designed to inspire student learning and interest in science careers.

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Event: Gizmo Expo, Bucknell U., Dec. 7

Bucknell University will host its 4th annual Engineering and Science Education Expo Mon., Dec. 7. More than 50 student teams will share inquiry-based teaching units and gizmos designed to teach science and engineering concepts to K-8 students. The Gizmo Expo allows participants to watch the gizmos in action, talk to student designers, and learn.

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