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Teacher Program: Bioinformatics, Seattle, WA

This Bioinformatics Professional Development Workshop, held on February 2010, in Seattle, Washington, is designed primarily for teachers of high school biology, advanced biology, and biotechnology. Prior bioinformatics experience not required.

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Event: Science Colloquia, Irvine, CA

Sackler Colloquia Logo

The Arthur M. Sackler Colloquia of the National Academy of Sciences address scientific topics of broad and current interest, cutting across boundaries of traditional disciplines; each year, four to six colloquia are scheduled, and feature presentations by leading scientists in the field and discussions with a hundred or more researchers with an interest in the topic. Colloquia are held at the Arnold and Mabel Beckman Center of the National Academies in Irvine, California, unless noted otherwise.

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Website: Physics Charts, Nuclear Science

The Contemporary Physics Education Project (CPEP) Website features material illustrating current understanding of the fundamental nature of matter and energy. Four detailed posters are on display, as well as additional information, links, activity worksheets, quizzes, and other material.

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Engineering Word Search


As classes wind down (or up!) for the holidays, here’s a fun activity to get students thinking about engineering. It a game families can enjoy, too. Print and distribute copies of this pdf puzzler, directing students to locate as many words as possible.

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K-12 Essay Contest: Survival Design

In this essay contest of EngineerGirl!, National Academy of Engineering, students are challenged to think like an engineer to solve a survival problem. In their essays, they must describe how to use the contents of a backpack and the surrounding environment to create shelter, gather food and water, or summon rescue. Please see the full description here or on the website for the specific requirements of this contest. Deadline: March 1, 2010.

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Website: NAE’s Engineer Girl!

The EngineerGirl Website, a project of the National Academy of Engineering (NAE), features resources and links helpful for any classroom, including: fun facts, cool links, great achievements, and engineering contests.

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Curriculum: Solar, Alternative Energy

The Florida Solar Energy Center, a research arm of the University of Central Florida, has developed downloadable sets of curriculum materials for K-12 teachers and schools on alternative energy sources, including solar, photovoltaics, hydrogen, and fuel cells. The Website lists descriptions of these curriculum materials, links to web sites, and information on each unit. Care has been taken to insure that the proper state standards that apply have been maintained.

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Website: Build It With PBS!

The PBS Design Squad website, which supports the popular t.v. show of the same name, features 15 cool activities, some of which we’ve featured on this EGFI teachers’ site. From an extreme kicking machine to a ping-pong ball launcher, these challenges will unleash your students’ ingenuity and get them thinking like engineers. Designed for 9-12 year olds, each activity has step-by-step instructions and age-appropriate explanations of the main idea.

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Contests entered by Paul McElligott’s students

Science teacher Paul McElligott and his students regularly compete for scholarship money and prizes. Here are some examples.

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