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Disaster-Proof Housing

Lesson courtesy of ProjectEngin CEO Ann Kaiser, an experienced engineer and educator who presented this at ASEE’s 2015 annual K-12 Engineering Workshop in Seattle.


In this activity, groups of students in middle or high school explore the housing crisis caused by natural disasters by applying appropriate technology and fluid mechanics  to design sustainable shelters that can withstand flooding and high winds.

Grade level: 6 – 12 (middle school science; high school physics; engineering)


  • Middle school – 4 to 6 class periods
  • Physics course – 3 to 5 class periods
  • Engineering course – 10 to 12 classes

Group size: 4 to 6 students

Learning Objectives

After doing this activity, students will be able to:

  • Follow the engineering design process to develop solutions to address an urgent human need
  • Understand the housing crisis caused by natural disasters, specifically flooding and high winds
  • Apply principles of appropriate technology and fluid mechanics to design sustainable, disaster-proof housing


Engineering fields and skills: Civil, mechanical, fluids, architecture, appropriate technology, strength of materials, scaling, prototyping, design of experiment/appropriate testing.

  • Problem Identification – Students research an area where hurricanes, monsoons, and typhoons often have a disastrous impact on housing. They must identify local building materials, traditional housing design, and possible storm intensity.
  • Define Constraints -Key constraints are available material (set percentage must be locally sourced); technical expertise of local labor market; cost; and durability. (These should be instructor determined.)
  • Determine Criteria – Students will use Criteria and Decision matrices to determine six relevant criteria and appropriate level of importance. Part of the assessment for the project will be successfully filling all criteria.
  • Brainstorming/Idea Generation – Much of this will occur in researching the problem and determining criteria. Students should be encouraged to focus on the dignity and cultural appropriate of living space when making design decisions.
  • Project Planning – In an engineering course, this project is suitable for developing a Gantt chart or timeline. Depending on the course, engineering or science, roughly 45 percent of the time should be spent on model construction, 30 percent on planning, and 25 percent on testing and presentation of results.
  • Testing – Students are responsible for developing appropriate tests (design of experiment) and obtaining the instructor’s approval for the testing plan. All structures must be tested for an appropriately scaled level of loading, water and wind resistance, and buoyancy.

Science & Math skills and topics: Forces, buoyancy, Archimedes Principle, Bernoulli’s Principle (hydro and aero), scaling, area to volume ratios, thermal conductivity, static versus dynamic loading.

Values: Cultural empathy, empowerment, need for shelter and control, meaning of “home.”

hurricane survivor florida 2004

2004 Florida hurricane


Next Generation Science Standards

  • HS-ETS 1-1 Analyze a major global challenge to specify qualitative and quantitative criteria and constraints for solutions that account for societal needs and wants.
  • HS-ETS 1-2 Design a solution to a complex real-world problem by breaking it down into smaller, more manageable problems that can be solved through engineering.
  • HS ETS 1-3 Evaluate a solution to a complex real-world problem based on prioritized criteria and trade-offs that account for a range of constraints, including cost, safety, reliability, and aesthetics as well as possible social, cultural, and environmental impacts.


ITEEA Standards for Technological Literacy

Common Core Standards
Science and Technical Literacy

  • RST.11-12.7 Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information presented in diverse formats and media (e.g., quantitative data, video, multimedia) in order to address a question or solve a problem.
  • RST.11-12.8 Evaluate the hypotheses, data, analysis, and conclusions in a science or technical text, verifying the data when possible and corroborating or challenging conclusions with other sources of information.
  • RST.11-12.9 Synthesize information from a range of sources (e.g., texts, experiments, simulations) into a coherent understanding of a process, phenomenon, or concept, resolving conflicting information when possible.
  • Speaking and Listening/presentation of knowledge SL.11-12.4 Present information, findings, and supporting evidence, conveying a clear and distinct perspective, such that listeners can follow the line of reasoning, alternative or opposing perspectives are addressed, and the organization, development, substance, and style are appropriate to purpose, audience, and a range of formal and informal tasks.
Tornado survivor in tent Oklahoma 2010

Tent serves as home after Oklahoma tornado

Engineering Connection

Natural disasters affect millions of people all over the world each year. In 2012, for example, extreme weather drove 32 million people from their homes. The biggest causes are floods and windstorms, accounting for 92.1 percent of homelessness, according to the World Bank, with earthquakes displacing just 4.4 percent.

Nearly all of those made homeless (97.7 percent) are from developing countries. People who live in the poorest countries are 10 to 1,000 times more likely to die in a natural disaster than people from countries in the top 20 percent. In other words a flood in the United States is not the same as a flood in rural India. Developing countries often fall into the “recovery trap.” They spend so much of their resources rebuilding after the last disaster that they are not ready for the next one. But city dwellers also are vulnerable: The number could be affected just by earthquakes and cyclones is expected to hit 1.5 billion by 2050.

That’s where engineers come in. They design emergency shelters such as tents with cement-like sturdiness, figure out how to rescue survivors and transport supplies, and rebuild destroyed homes and infrastructure.


Note: Some materials will be student determined. Building materials should be chosen to model real-world materials, and a list of materials needed for the scale model should be completed in all groups. In an engineering class, to highlight appropriate technology values, students should develop a real bill of materials for the actual structure.

For all groups:

  • Foam core (1 sheet per group)
  • Aluminum foil
  • Saran wrap
  • Balsa wood
  • Craft sticks
  • Dowels
  • Pipe cleaners
  • Straws
  • Craft foam sheets
  • PVC pipe (optional)

In addition, scissors, tape, glue, Exacto knives, tacks, wire, and string should be available to students.


This aerial view shows a flooded area of the city of Cotabato as the Philippine Air Force continues its search and rescue operation on July 5, 2008 some two weeks after Typhoon Fengshen hit the country. Typhoon Fengshen battered the archipelago on June 21 causing floods and damage to property amounting to over 50 million USD and killed more than 500 people, with another estimated 800 people lost when a ferry sunk off the central Philippines during the storm. AFP PHOTO/Mark NAVALES

Cotabato, Philippines, 2 weeks after Typhoon Fengshen killed more than 500 people.


Note: This lesson can be adjusted for student grade level with the level of inclusion of fluid dynamics and extent of determining real world feasibility.

1. Introduce the level and impact of climate disasters worldwide. Project focus is on flood- and wind-proof housing. Statistics from the World Bank, United Nations agencies and the International Red Cross are continually updated and can make a significant impact. Case study briefs can also be assigned as reading. (See Resources, below).

2. Before or after step 1, have student groups do a Quick Build with simple materials. Quick Build goals can be a house that floats, withstands a heavy load, torrential downpours, or wind.

3. Once the range of the problem is made clear, use videos from the list in Resources to showcase solutions. TED Talks are particularly appealing to high school students.

4. Allow students time to research an area of world/natural disaster that they would like to design for. Students should identify relevant constraints and criteria. A Design Brief form is helpful at this point. Cost for actual structures ($100-$2,000), percentage of local material and labor, lifespan (2-5 years minimum), and number of inhabitants can be instructor provided constraints. Criteria should be developed by students and should form part of the assessment for the project.

5. Students need to understand static issues of buoyancy and dynamic issues of both air and water flow. More emphasis can be put on this in physics classes and actual calculations can be included as part of the project requirements. In an introductory physics class, quantitative emphasis can be placed on buoyancy calculations and the use of Bernoulli’s Principle can remain qualitative.

– Introduce Archimedes Principle and relevance of volume and weight in design. Concepts of dead load and live load. Test quick build prototype to see how much a small piece of foil can hold when surface area to volume is maximized.

– Introduce Bernoulli’s Principle in terms of wind creating high velocity region of low pressure. Simple experiments with a piece of paper can convince students that the walls and roof can blow outward due to lateral wind flow.

– In regions where erosion may of concern, high flow rates are an issue, and students will also need to consider the Principle of Continuity.

6. Forces and issues of loading in tension and compression should also be discussed. The impact of wind blowing perpendicular to the surface and weight of water are significant issues that need to be considered when testing. Comparisons of different types of building materials can be made.

7. It is important that students focus on the use of local materials and technology. What works in the United States may not be a sustainable or culturally acceptable design somewhere else. Values such as empathy, cultural awareness, basic human dignity and a sense of home are critical for a successful project. Students in an Engineering class can be asked to fully research available local materials and complete a “Bill of Materials.”A cost limit between $1,000 and $2,000 is recommended.

8. Scale models need to be tested to meet appropriately scaled criteria. The idea of design of experiment (DOE) to verify claims is a significant one in new technologies. A simple form for recording testing rationale and data should be created indicating testing parameters, results, and observations. It is suggested that one test be a scale model load test, specified by the instructor, and that two additional tests be developed to test for compliance with criteria and constraints. This can include buoyancy, wind resistance, and flood resistance, along with students generated concerns such as portability, quick assembly, etc. These two additional tests should be student generated and instructor approved.

9. If time permits, opportunities to modify are very valuable in terms of the engineering design process. All modifications should be isolated (done one at a time) as much as feasible and a rationale for the modification should be required.

10. If time and resources permit, encourage students to present their results in a video recording of the design/build/test process and wrap up the presentation with a “sales pitch” selling their structure to local authorities or international development groups. Other formats for final reporting can be used if time is limited (i.e. PowerPoint, report, full design brief). It is strongly suggested that groups keep all forms and notes in an Engineering Notebook (binder) on order to have thorough documentation of the process they followed. The Engineering Notebook should be part of the grade.


Hurricane Katrina

Hurricane Katrina



    • Process documentation – Engineering Notebook (Engineering class) or key forms (Science class). Samples of forms are contained in this file.
    • Product documentation – The actual scale model, before and after testing.

Overall – Group report, presentation, or video


  • Suggested individual/group 25%/75%
  • Checklist for all forms indicating level of effort and completeness
  • Success in meeting constraints and criteria
  • Periodic in class observations and discussions with group
  • Clear calculations where required
  • Successful testing protocol and results
  • Presentation of completed project

Sample assessment scoring breakdown:

    • Completed/Comprehensive Engineering Notebook 20 points
    • Group Focus/Effort in Construction 10 points
    • Successful Building
    •       — Meets Criteria/Constraints 10 points
    •       — Passes Tests 10 points
    • Communication of Process and Results 25 points
    • Individual Contribution 25 points

Resources  tornado damage illinois nov 2013

Housing and Building Resources

Development issues – information and statistics


Agencies, nonprofits, NGOs

Videos/TED talks

Design Briefs/Case Studies

World Bank Case Studies – good background information, overall focus is financial structures and managing response:

Engineering Schools: Humanitarian-focused K-12 Outreach and Academic Programs (compiled  eGFI Teachers)

Gross (but Cool) Science


The world is full of disgusting – but also fascinating  – things, like parasites that squirm out of people’s feet or slime mold. But as Eureka! Lab, a science resource for students from Society for Science & the Public, notes in a blog post, gross stuff also can fascinate and inspire kids about science. And that’s the idea behind the new YouTube series, “Gross Science.”

The show’s host, Anna Rothschild, is a science journalist who works for NOVA,  a television show produced by WGBH that airs on PBS. So when PBS Digital Studios and NOVA asked her about doing a YouTube series, “the first thing that came to my mind was to do gross stuff,” she says.

The result is a series of weekly two-minute videos written for student in middle and early high school that highlight everything from kangaroo farts to diseases that make you smell like maple syrup. Each video tells a story, such as how those kangaroo farts might be used to combat climate change, and include animations that Rothschild draws herself.

The stories go beyond the revolting. For instance, guinea worms — nasty parasites that used to cause horribly painful infections throughout Asia and Africa — offer an opportunity to show a parasite’s life cycle. That episode also points to how scientists are helping people around the world get rid of the worm.


Nat Geo Engineering Challenge

How do you study an animal that can’t sit still? Or prove a place is special? Or explore an environment so extreme you can’t visit?

National Geographic Education’s Engineering Exploration Challenge (NGX) is back! Children 6 to 18 from around the world follow the engineering design process to develop, build, and test robots to solve up to three big challenges that explorers often face in the field. Individuals or groups can submit solutions, and they must involve collecting information about the immediate environment and using that information to decide an action to take, the way a robot might.

Two African elephants (Loxodonta africana), duelling, Kenya

Promising designs will be considered for use in a Google Hangout or for publication in National Geographic book, ​Everything Robotics​. Everyone who submits a design solution will receive a certificate of accomplishment and a free movie ticket to the new National Geographic film, ​ROBOTS 3D ​(while supplies last).

Submit designs to National Geographic by midnight, EST on August 1, 2015.  See FAQs for details.

Building Bridges to Literature

Concord BridgeThe “rude bridge” where the opening shots of the American Revolution were fired was immortalized in Emerson’s Concord Hymn.

Designing, building, and testing bridges can help students develop teamwork and problem-solving skills along with inspiring their interest in engineering. And there are several major competitions to take that interest to the next level, notably the West Point Bridge Design contest (now the Engineering Encounters virtual bridge design contest) for middle and high school students.

Hands-on projects also can fuel an interest in reading about bridges, whether to learn more about their architecture,  history, or even place in literature. Here are some notable titles that might strike a chord with your budding civil and structural engineers:

  • An Occurence at Owl Creek Bridge – Ambrose Bierce’s short story about a man about to be hanged from a railroad bridge and his miraculous escape.
  • For Whom the Bell Tolls – Ernest Hemmingway’s classic about a Spanish Civil War soldier assigned to blow up a bridge fighting on the Republican side in the Spanish
  • Bridge Over the River Kwai – French author Pierre Boulle’s 1952 historical novel  (translated in 1954 by Xan Fielding) portrays the hardships faced by World War II British prisoners of war who are forced by the Japanese army to build a bridge for the “Death Railway” in Burma. David Lean’s 1957 film adaptation won the Academy Award for best picture.
  • Bridge to TarabithiaKatherine Paterson’s Newberry Medal-winning children’s book about two lonely youngsters who create a magical kingdom was inspired by a friend of the author’s son was struck by lightning.
  • The Bridge on the Drina Nobel prizewinner Ivo Andric historical novel uses the Mehmed Pasa Sokolovic bridge in Bosnia to connect the stories of the different ethnic groups who live nearby.
  • Bridge of Sighs English poet Thomas Hood evokes Venice’s famous span in this poem about  a woman who lost her virtue and drowned herself.
  • Concord Hymn – Philospher Ralph Waldo Emerson’s famous poem about the “rude bridge that arched the flood” where Massachusetts farmers took aim at the British and “fired the shot heard ’round the world.” (Image, above)
  • To Brooklyn Bridge Part of Hart Crane’s 1930 epic poem, The Bridge, was inspired by New York City’s “poetry landmark” that he could see from his home at 110 Columbia Heights in Brooklyn. He later learned that the son of the bridge’s designer and one of its key civil engineers,  Washington Roebling, had once lived at the same address. This Library of Congress lesson plan uses The Bridge among primary sources to teach about epic poetry and 1900s America.

Duke University engineering professor Henry Petroski, a columnist for the American Society for Engineering Education’s Prism magazine,  offers some other civil engineering-themed recent good reads, from thrillers to the biography of Augustin Fresnel, the French engineer who invented the modern lighthouse lens. Petroski is the author of Engineers of Dreams: Great Bridge Builders and the Spanning of America (Knopf, 1996).

EnergyTrends Video Contest


What do 6th and 7th graders know about where energy comes from, how much we use, and how that affects our daily lives? wants to know, and is hosting a contest for U.S. public school students to find out. The competition, which is aligned with Common Core and Next Generation Science Standards, asks students to research different types and sources of energy, then create a one- to two-minute video that helps build understanding about the energy we use in at home, school, or other parts of everyday life.

Click on the link to complete the online Entry Form. To upload videos, go to YouTube and use the phrase “EnergyTrends Contest Entry” in the title of the video. Trouble uploading? Contact EnergyTrends.

The deadline for submission is Friday, May 29, 2015 at midnight. Winners will be announced on Monday, June 8.


  • 1st place: Up to $200 for pizza party for class and $250 for classroom supplies.
  • 2nd place: $200 gift card for classroom supplies
  • 3rd place: $100 gift card for classroom supplies was created by the Lexington Institute to provide useful information about the energy we use and produce, in a format that lets readers compare and track their own states’ vital energy patterns. The website includes lesson plans and other resources for teachers.

Happy Birthday, Golden Gate Bridge

golden gate bridge construction 1935

When California’s Golden Gate Bridge opened on May 27, 1937, some 18,000 people sprinted, strolled. or roller-skated across its 4,200-foot causeway at the start of a week-long celebration of this engineering feat. Deemed one of the Seven Wonders of the Modern World by the American Society of Civil Engineers, San Francisco’s iconic span held the title of world’s longest suspension bridge until 1964, when the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge opened in New York City.

The idea of a bridge across the mile-wide strait between the San Francisco peninsula and Marin County had surfaced a various times in the past, the proposal gained traction with the 1916 publication of a newspaper article by a former engineering student. San Francisco’s City Engineer estimated the cost at a prohibitive $100 million and asked bridge engineers if it could be built for less.  Joseph P. Strauss, an ambitious engineer and poet who, for his graduate thesis, had  designed a 55-mile-long railroad bridge across the Bering Strait between Alaska and Russia, responded. His initial design called for a massive cantilever on either side of the Golden Gate strait, connected by a central suspension segment. Estimated cost: $17 million.  golden gate bridge surf resize

Check out these contemporary images and videos as well as a Bethlehem Steel documentary of the bridge’s construction (YouTube 26:10) and  historic photos of the bridge’s construction and chief engineer Joseph P. Strauss.

It took more than a decade for Strauss to overcome opposition and litigation to win support for the project. The fledgling automobile industry proved a big ally. Wall Street’s crash in 1929 and ensuing Great Depression sent the state scrambling for funds and pushed the start of construction back to January 5, 1933. The project was completed ahead of schedule and below budget at roughly $35 million. Read the poem Strauss wrote commemorating the bridge’s completion, and a brief history of the construction the Virtual Museum of the City of San Francisco.

While Strauss remained in charge of the overall design and construction of the bridge as chief engineer, he lacked experience with cable-suspension designs and his initial idea was visually unappealing.  Leon Moisseiff, designer of New York’s Manhattan Bridge and the ill-fated original Tacoma Narrows span, conceived of the elegant suspension design that ultimately was built. A little known residential architect named Irving Morrow designed the overall shape of the towers, the Art Deco streetlights, and other elements.

Among Strauss’s notable contributions was his pioneering use of worker safety gear. The Golden Gate Bridge saw the first use of hard hats, harnesses, and safety nets, cutting bridge-worker fatalities from an average of one per million dollars spent and saving the lives of 19 men who fell during construction.

Film clip from final days of construction shows worker safety gear:

Today, tourists flock to Golden Gate National Recreation Area for a glimpse of nature as well as the span described by the San Francisco Chronicle when it opened as a “thirty-five million dollar steel harp!” Almost since its inception, the bridge has played a prominent role in popular culture, featured in Hollywood blockbusters as Alfred Hitchcock’s The Birds and destroyed by Godzilla.

Meanwhile, construction continues on the iconic span, including a $76 million project to install netting to deter suicides  and seismic retrofits of the towers and spans.

Paper Penny Bridge

Activity courtesy of North Carolina State University’s College of Engineering K-12 outreach program.


In this activity, student teams learn about the engineering design process and physical forces by building a bridge from a single sheet of paper and up to five paper clips that will span 20 cm and support the weight of 100 pennies. Like real engineers, teams also have limited budgets and must make trade-offs in materials.

Grade level: 8 – 12

Time: 45 minutes for activity, 25 minutes for presentation.

Cost per group: $1.50

Engineering Connection

This activity is a combination of planning, design, teamwork, and cost efficiency, which are all keys components to any field of engineering, especially civil.

Learning Objectives

After doing this activity, students should be able to:

  • Understand the process of planning and gaining approval for projects
  • Understand the importance of engineering in bridge design


Next Generation Science Standards

  • Evaluate competing design solutions using a systematic process to determine how well they meet the criteria and constraints of the problem. [Grades 6 – 8]
  • Analyze data from tests to determine similarities and differences among several design solutions to identify the best characteristics of each that can be combined into a new solution to better meet the criteria for success. [Grades 6 – 8]
  • Define the criteria and constraints of a design problem with sufficient precision to ensure a successful solution, taking into account relevant scientific principles and potential impacts on people and the natural environment that may limit possible solutions. [Grades 6 – 8]

International Technology and Engineering Educators Association

  • E. Design is a creative planning process that leads to useful products and systems. [Grades 6 – 8]
  • G. Requirements for design are made up of criteria and constraints. [Grades 6 – 8]
  • G. Brainstorming is a group problem-solving design process in which each person in the group presents his or her ideas in an open forum. [Grades 6 – 8]
  • I. Specify criteria and constraints for the design. [Grades 6 – 8]
  • F. The selection of designs for structures is based on factors such as building laws and codes, style, convenience, cost, climate, and function. [Grades 6 – 8]
  • I. Buildings generally contain a variety of subsystems. [Grades 6 – 8]
  • J. Infrastructure is the underlying base or basic framework of a system. [Grades 9 – 12]

Common Core State Mathematics Standards

  • Apply geometric methods to solve design problems (e.g., designing an object or structure to satisfy physical constraints or minimize cost).[Grades 9 – 12]
  • Math Practice.MP7 – Look for and make use of structures.

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics

  • Analyze properties and determine attributes of two- and three-dimensional objects [Grades 9 – 12]


Each group of 5 students will need:

  • One sheet of 8 1⁄2 x 11” paper pennies
  • 100 pennies
  • 2 books
  • 1 Ruler
  • 5 paper clips


  • Tape
  • Up to 3 additional paper clips
  • Scissors


Begin with a brief explanation of construction and civil engineering. Explain the activity to the groups and begin passing out materials. Afterward, relate the activity back to engineering.

See educator guide for leading this activity in PBS Build It Big’s Paper Bridge design challenge.  The series’ interactive labs on forces, loads, and shapes offer a way to explore the physics of bridge construction.


Overview: Teams will have monetary constraints for purchasing additional materials. Before beginning the project, teams must write down constraints and materials. Then they create two different ideas and designs. One of these designs must be approved by a “Do it To it” member before teams can begin purchasing items and creating their bridge. Each team receives $200 in Monopoly money. Prices are as follows:

  • Scissors – $50
  • Paper clips – $10 each
  • Tape – $5 per 1” piece
  • Paper – $100 per sheet.

Design challenge: The bridge must be designed in such a way that a modern car could drive through it. The area beneath the span must be free (so that boats can pass beneath it). To test the bridges, teams will place two books 20 cm apart and set the bridge on the books, spanning the gap. The bridge can not be fastened to the book (nor to any other support). Team members are allowed to place the pennies on their bridge in any desired way as long as the pennies are on the free part of the bridge.


  1. Plan and design two different bridges
  2. Gain approval from “Do it To it” member
  3. Buy additional materials
  4. Begin bridge-building process
  5. Test bridge strength


Do not put the pennies in mouths or throw them. Scissors are for cutting given materials only.

Additional Resources

Bridge Basics A spotter’s guide and visual primer about the different types of bridge structures in Pittsburgh and Allegheny County, Pa.

Building Big PBS and WGBH Boston’s Design Squad series includes bridge-building challenges, interviews with civil engineers like Susan Knack, who rappels down bridges to inspect and repair them, and useful interactive labs that explain forces, loads, shapes, and materials.

Civil Engineering & Math Dr. Math, at Drexel University’s Math Forum, discusses how civil engineers use algebra, geometry, and calculus to figure out how big a column must be to hold a certain amount of weight to the time a batch of concrete must cure.

Common Core: A Lesson Plan on STEM (Bridges) K-8 technology teacher Jacqui Murray shows how to meet rigorous math and language-arts standards through the West Point bridge-building competition.

Garrett’s Bridges Designs and tips for constructing 28 types of bridges.

National Building Museum’s Bridge Basics. This 48-page educators guide includes activities and ways to demonstrate compression, tension, forces, and loads.

“The Big Bridge Scheme” – The Building and the Impact of the Brooklyn Bridge. This U.S. history lesson plan for grades 7 and 8 from the National Teacher Training Institute and New York’s Channel 13 includes a virtual reality tour of one of the country’s iconic structures.

Zoom Science (Season 4) Penny Bridge: Watch 11-year-olds construct a bridge from a single piece of paper that can hold 100 pennies. [YouTube 3:42]


Nanotechnology Lessons & Games

nanostructures from NIST science as art

Ultra-tiny nanoscale engineered materials and technologies show up in products from cosmetics to medicine. To help teach this rapidly expanding area of STEM, TryNano – part of TryEngineering’s online collection of engineering activities – has assembled links to games (Duckboy in Nanoland), lesson plans (The Power of Graphene), and other free resources in one convenient website.

For students interested in pursuing nanotechnology, there’s a page where they can search for universities around the world that offer degrees or certificate programs.

Report: Improving STEM Education

Kids doing STEM activity

Want to improve the quality of STEM education? Check out AdvancED, which devotes its entire Spring 2015 issue to the subject.

Published by the nonprofit accrediting and research organization that conducts external reviews of preK-12 schools and school systems around the country and world, the online publication explores topics from narrowing the STEM achievement gap to 3-D virtual learning.

Notable articles include “Explicitly Teaching Engineering,” by North Carolina State University engineering educator Elizabeth A. Parry. The past chair of ASEE’s K-12 and Precollege Division, she has integrated engineering into the culture of entire elementary schools, raising enthusiasm for STEM along with reading and math proficiency. Also of interest for environmental science teachers is a tip-filled article on using “green” STEM projects to promote inquiry-based learning and teaching.

Meanwhile, AdvancED’s president and CEO Mark A. Elgart offers tips and questions in a Huffington Post article (4/28/15) for determining if your child’s school offers a quality STEM program.