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Website: National Lab Day

National Lab Day ActivityThe National Lab Day (NLD) website not only represents a nationwide initiative to foster ongoing collaborations among volunteers, students, and educators, but also provides an extensive, search-able list of educational resources, an archive of community and academic projects, and a directory of events.

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Resource: Engineering & Science Festival Materials for Teachers

USA Science & Engineering FestivalTeachers planning to or interested in bringing a group of students to the USA Science & Engineering Festival may be wondering how to get the most out of it academically. The Festival teacher resources webpage provides some helpful tips on how to optimize the visit.

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Resource: American Chemical Society Education

American Chemical SocietyThe American Chemical Society provides a number of great resources and outreach programs for students and teachers. The organization and website features teaching guides, workshops, hands-on activities, puzzles, games, activity books, magazines, student programs, events, teacher training, online seminars, teacher certifications, reports on learning, grants, scholarships, courses, awards, community outreach, and more.

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Teachers’ Summer: Certification in Teaching 21st Century Skills

NYITThe New York Institute of Technology, in conjunction with Intel, is offering free training and certification in teaching 21st Century Skills during the week of July 12. This course is designed to create a foundation of skills for teachers to fully integrate technology into existing classroom curricula and has the potential to close the achievement gap for students in science, math and technology. Participants will explore learning experiences in the STEM content areas and will include instruction in rich internet resources and cutting edge technology. No new information for 2011.

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Training Teachers in Engineering Instruction

The Institute for P-12 Engineering Research and Learning at Purdue University’s School of Engineering Education has partnered with PBS’s TeacherLine, a web-based professional development program, to educate elementary school teachers on how to teach engineering concepts to their young charges.

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Website: Leonardo’s Mysterious Machines

Leonardo's Mysterious MachinesFrom the Museum of Science, Boston, the Leonardo’s Mysterious Machines quiz and related information pages are a valuable tool in studying Leonardo Da Vinci’s inventions. In addition to an interactive 8-question quiz, the website features class activities, loads of valuable information about Da Vinci’s life and inventions, and additional resources. The website is designed especially for teaching grades 4-8.

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Resource: Global SchoolNet

Global SchoolNetGlobal SchoolNet, a non-profit organization founded in 1984, supports 21st century learning and aims to improve academic performance through content driven collaboration. It engages teachers and K-12 students in meaningful project learning exchanges worldwide and helps them to develop science, math, literacy and communication skills.

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Resource: George Lucas Educational Foundation

Edutopia LogoThe George Lucas Educational Foundation, which was created to help education catch up with the many technical advancements in how we interact with each other and the world, maintains a comprehensive website called Edutopia, which features resources and videos for teachers. It is designed to spread the word about ideal, interactive learning environments and enable others to adapt these successes locally. Edutopia contains an archive of continually updated best practices, from classroom tips to recommendations for district-wide change.

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Resource: iEARN

iEARN LogoiEARN (International Education and Resource Network) is a non-profit global network that enables teachers and youth to use the Internet and other technologies to collaborate on projects that enhance learning and make a difference in the world. There are more than 150 projects in iEARN, all designed and facilitated by teachers and students to fit their curriculum and classroom needs and schedules.

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