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Website: KidsH2 to Teach Fuel Cell Tech

kidH2logo2The KidsH2 Website sells inexpensivekits and offers supporting material for students, teachers, and parents seeking to know more about fuel cell technology and its applications. Materials include kits focused on hydrogen, hydropower, and wind energy, accompanying lesson plans, workshops, and an online community.

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Outreach: STOMP from Tufts University

Students Work Together in STOMPThe Student Teacher Outreach Mentorship Program (STOMP) at Tufts University partners Tufts University students with K-12 teachers in the greater Boston, Mass. area to create an engineering curriculum that reaches across all disciplines, peaks the students’ interests in engineering, and improves the students’ problem-solving skills. Teacher resources such as class activities, full units, a list of websites, and grant information are also available.

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Resource: Ask an Engineer’s Ask an Engineer website offers an archive of academic and career-oriented questions for engineers and their answers. Users can browse the most frequently asked questions, look through the full archives, or isolate the questions and answers by topic.

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Resource: Math & Science Partnerships Grant Websites

Department of EducationThe Dept. of Education Math and Science Partnerships (MSP) program gives out grants that support partnerships between the mathematics, science, and/or engineering faculty of institutions of higher education and high-need K-12 school districts. The program’s goal is to increase student achievement through increasing teachers’ content knowledge and pedagogical skills. As a resource, the MSP program maintains a comprehensive archive of websites and programs created around the grants, search-able by location.

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Website: National Lab Day

National Lab Day ActivityThe National Lab Day (NLD) website not only represents a nationwide initiative to foster ongoing collaborations among volunteers, students, and educators, but also provides an extensive, search-able list of educational resources, an archive of community and academic projects, and a directory of events.

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Resource: Engineering & Science Festival Materials for Teachers

USA Science & Engineering FestivalTeachers planning to or interested in bringing a group of students to the USA Science & Engineering Festival may be wondering how to get the most out of it academically. The Festival teacher resources webpage provides some helpful tips on how to optimize the visit.

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Website: supports cyber-learning and open participation with lesson plans, curricula, classroom activities, homework help, and professional development information. There are more than 35,000 web pages of STEM content available.

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Resource: Thinkfinity from Verizon

ThinkfinityVerizon Foundation’s Thinkfinity website offers comprehensive teaching and learning resources that are grade-specific and are aligned with state standards. It provides lesson plans that teach 21st Century skills, literary resources, an online group for new teachers, webinars, professional development, tips for teachers, interactive games and tools for students, family learning materials, teacher features, and more.

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Curriculum: Illuminations Math Teacher Resources

MathThe Illuminations website from the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics features a library of 104 online activities that help to make math come alive in the classroom or at home. It also has 560 lessons for preK-12 math educators, information on mathematics teaching standards, and hundreds of links to outside web resources.

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