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Activity: Build an Earthquake-proof Structure

StrawsStudents in grades 6-12 are challenged to build a drinking straw tower that can withstand simulated earthquake vibrations and increasing weight and pressure. Doing so, they learn basic principles of design and earthquake engineering while practicing team skills.

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Lesson: Problem-solve Your School

Problem Solve Your SchoolStudents in grades 4-12 apply the engineering design process to a real-life problem that affects them at school. The class selects a single problem then comes up with and tests a design solution. Students gain hands-on experience with engineering problem-solving.

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Contest: NASA Engineering Design Challenge

NASA Engineering Design ChallengeThe RealWorld-InWorld NASA Engineering Design Challenge encourages students in grades 9-12 to explore and build skills essential for successful careers in STEM subjects through two phases of project-based learning and team competition, working with the Webb telescope.

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Lesson: Build a Lunar Lander


In this lesson, students assume the role of NASA aerospace engineers, following the engineering design process to learn the steps for designing, creating, and improving equipment. They design and build a shock-absorbing system that will protect two “astronauts” when they land, and come to understand some of the challenges of lunar landings.

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Activity: Build a Model Submarine

SubmarineStudents in grades 5-8 learn the basic principle of buoyancy and how submarines use it to dive and ascend in water through creating their own submarine out of a soda bottle, pennies, and other household items. Activity courtesy of the National Museum of the U.S. Navy.

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Activity: Shipwreck Survival

Surviving a Ship WreckDo your students have what it takes to survive and be rescued? In this activity from Boston’s Museum of Science, student teams practice the design skills of engineers as they create survival tools from a crate of supplied materials. They learn about teamwork, brainstorming, innovation, and creative material reuse in attempting to create a protective shelter, a method for gathering food, and a signal for help. The teams test their designs for feasibility before having a design review with the rest of the class.

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Lesson: The Engineering Design Process

The Works museumThis simple lesson from The Works Museum in Minnesota consists of two activities that introduce elementary school students to the engineering design process. Students first work through a chart detailing the steps of the design process and then use the steps to consider ways to solve one of three problems: rescuing a trapped kitten, devising a way to water plants while on vacation, and rigging up a remote light switch.

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Lesson: Life After Trash

Student teams use the engineering design process to create a useful product of their choice out of recyclable items and “trash.” The class is given a “landfill” of reusable items and allowed a limited amount of bonding materials. The activity addresses the importance of reuse and encourages students to look at ways they can reuse items they would normally throw away. Students are further prompted to consider the problems with growing landfills, and efforts by engineers and others to reduce pollution, emissions, and trash production.

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Online Workshop: Engineering Design Process

designprocessThis online workshop was developed by NASA and PBS’s DESIGN SQUAD for educators and afterschool leaders who want to build skills and confidence in guiding students through engineering activities. Participants gain strategies for strengthening kids’ critical-thinking abilities and getting them excited about using the design process–the series of steps engineers use to arrive at solutions.

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