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Groundwater Pollution Detectives

 groundwater pump activity was contributed by the College of Engineering’s Integrated Teaching and Learning Program at the University of Colorado, Boulder. It is part of a larger environmental engineering and earth science lesson on water.


Teams of students in grades 5 to 7 locate a contaminant spill in a hypothetical site by measuring the pH of soil samples. They then predict the direction of groundwater flow using mathematical modeling and use the engineering design process to come up with alternative treatments for the contaminated water.

Grade Level: 5-7

Time: 90 minutes

Learning outcomes

After doing this activity, students should be able to:

  • Explain that engineers use mathematical modeling to make predictions about a design problem.
  • Describe how engineers take water samples and analyze data to determine where groundwater contaminants come from and where they are going.
  • Identify several methods for cleanup of contaminated groundwater used by engineers.


Next Generation Science Standards

  • Define the criteria and constraints of a design problem with sufficient precision to ensure a successful solution, taking into account relevant scientific principles and potential impacts on people and the natural environment that may limit possible solutions. [Grades 6 – 8]
  • Science & Engineering Practice: Define a design problem that can be solved through the development of an object, tool, process or system and includes multiple criteria and constraints, including scientific knowledge that may limit possible solutions.

Common Core State Mathematical Standards

  • Number System 6.NS.B2. Fluently divide multi-digit numbers using the standard algorithm. [Grade 6]
  • Number System 6.NS.B3. Fluently add, subtract, multiply, and divide multi-digit decimals using the standard algorithm for each operation. [Grade 6]
  • Expressions & Equations 6.EE.B7. Solve real-world and mathematical problems by writing and solving equations of the form x + p = q and px = q for cases in which p, q and x are all nonnegative rational numbers. [Grade 6]
  • Geometry 7.G.A1. Solve problems involving scale drawings of geometric figures, including computing actual lengths and areas from a scale drawing and reproducing a scale drawing at a different scale. [Grade 7]

Next Generation Science Standards

  • Define the criteria and constraints of a design problem with sufficient precision to ensure a successful solution, taking into account relevant scientific principles and potential impacts on people and the natural environment that may limit possible solutions. [Grades 6 – 8]

International Technology and Engineering Educators Association

  • Standard 4. Students will develop an understanding of the cultural, social, economic, and political effects of technology. [Grades K – 12]
  • E. Technologies can be used to repair damage caused by natural disasters and to break down waste from the use of various products and systems. [Grades 6 – 8]

Engineering Connection

Some environmental engineers are hired by communities to locate pollution and devise a clean-up solution. They test to find the concentration of the pollutant or contaminant and use that information to determine how the contaminant has traveled. To do this, engineers drill wells and conduct tests to determine the direction of groundwater flow in the area and the direction the pollutant is moving. Engineers use this information to design remediation for contaminated water. Several remediation techniques include excavation and disposal, containment, chemical and biological treatment, phytoremediation, soil vapor extraction, and pumped removal and treatment methods.


How does the groundwater get polluted and what can we do about it? How exactly does pollution migrate through the ground? How do we prevent the contaminants from affecting our drinking water or the environment?
Pollution can result from any number of things, including chemical spills, leaking tanks, or just the use of pesticides or fertilizer in gardens. Such pollutants can then migrate down into the groundwater over time either by gravity or through the influences of precipitation. But where does it go from there? How can an engineer tell what is happening in groundwater, if they cannot see under the ground?
Well, first engineers drill wells and conduct tests to determine the use mathematical modeling to predict of groundwater flow in the area. With this information, engineers can determine in what direction the pollutant is headed. In most cases, the pollutant travels in the same direction as groundwater flow. In addition, engineers can test for concentration of the pollutant or contaminant and use that information to determine how the contaminant has traveled in the past. For example, in most cases, the highest concentration of a contaminant is where the spill originated. Concentrations will usually lower in the direction of groundwater flow.
In real life, engineers must determine not only how the pollution has migrated through the ground but also where it is going and how fast. Once engineers have determined where the pollution is going, they need to think of a strategy to get the contaminants removed or contained. There are many ways that they can do this. Several methods include:
  • Containment with physical barriers, or putting something in the ground to stop the groundwater flow.
  • Biological treatment, by adding microorganisms like bacteria that break down, or “eat,” the pollution to make it less toxic.
  • Chemical treatment, by adding chemicals like chlorine or ozone that react with the contaminant to make it less toxic.
  • Soil vapor extraction, by moving air and vapors through the groundwater in order to remove the contaminant.
  • Constructed wetlands, where several treatment methods are used in a shallow pond-like area.
  • Pump and treat methods, where engineers pump the contaminated water out of the ground, treat the water and put it back into the ground.
How do engineers choose which method(s) to use? Well, they begin by researching the type of contaminant that exists, then investigating which treatment methods could work, next, thinking about constraints like cost and environmental impact, and finally, choosing the appropriate clean up/removal method.
Today, we are going to investigate a source of pollution, predict where it is headed, and then think about how to clean it up. Having used a pump and treat method to obtain some contaminated water samples from the source, we will remove the contaminants from our sample using a variety of physical and chemical methods. Through teamwork, we will develop a treatment process, try it out, and then improve on our design. This will take us thorough a similar method that an environmental engineer would use to clean up pollution in real life — a method called the engineering design process.

map for groundwater detectives activity


Each group should have:

  • 6 strips of wide-range pH paper (litmus paper) Note: 100 strips are available for less than $5 at many chemical supply companies, such as Auspex Scientific
  • 7 numbered small plastic cups for samples
  • Plastic spoon for mixing
  • 2 copies of the Finding Pollution Worksheet
  • 12-inch ruler

For the class to share:

Part I
  • 6 Ziploc® bags or plastic bins
  • ~12 cups of playground sand
  • 1 marker or Sharpie®
  • 1 roll of masking tape
  • 6 teaspoons
  • 1 container of unsweetened powdered lemonade mix
  • 6 soil samples (made from sand and lemonade mix; see Procedure section for preparation instructions)
  • jug of water
Part II
  • 1 bottle of vegetable oil
  • 1 box of baking soda
  • 1 bag of (any-sized) cotton balls
  • 6-10 coffee filters (any size, kind)
  • 6-10 plastic spoons
  • 1 bottle of liquid dishwashing soap (any kind)
  • (optional) plastic disposable gloves


Before the Activity

  • Using a marker and masking tape, label the six Ziploc® bags (or plastic bins) with the numbers 1-6.
  • Create six bags of equal amounts of sand (about 2 cups each) using Ziploc® bags or plastic bins. These are your soil samples.
  • Mix the soil samples in the appropriately-numbered bags/containers with different concentrations of lemonade according to the map in Figure 1 (the highest concentrations of lemonade should be the numbers located in the yellow oval of the map). Samples 1 and 2 should have no lemonade, sample 3 should have the highest concentration of lemonade, sample 6 should have the lowest concentration and samples 4 and 5 should be equal concentration higher then sample 6 but lower then sample 3.
    • Make the highest and lowest concentration samples, and then test the pH to make sure they are indeed different and in the range of the pH paper.
    • Make a copy of the Groundwater Pollution Worksheet for each student.
    • Set up a supply station in the classroom. The station should have the six samples clearly labeled, a teaspoon and a water source for Part I. This station can also have all of the treatment methods for Part II. Alternatively, this can be done at lab stations and each station can have all six samples.
    • Next, make a batch of polluted water for Part II by mixing water, lemonade and vegetable oil. Test the water sample to make sure that the pH of the water sample matches the pH of the #3 Soil Sample. (Note: You can also add dirt, cocoa or food coloring to make the sample “muddy.”)

    With the Students

    Part I – Finding the Contaminant Spill
    1. Explain to the students that they are professional environmental engineers and have been asked by the state to detect and treat a contaminant plume. Here is the situation (note: provide the students with as much or as little detail you feel necessary):
    A French chemical company created a chemical called Le Chimique. Le Chimique is a highly toxic, highly acidic cleaning agent, which became illegal to use in 1990. The company is now bankrupt, and the government wanted to redevelop the land; however, when they started digging, traces of highly acidic Le Chimique were found in the soil. They did some research and found that there was a spill, but they did not know where or when it occurred. The local community heard about the newly discovered spill and is worried that it might affect their water supply. In response, the government has taken several samples of soil in the area over the course of the year. They have hired you to test the samples and find where the spill occurred, predict in what direction the groundwater is moving, and how fast, so they can best determine how to clean up the spill. They have taken six soil samples from the groundwater and then dried them to make transport easier.
    1. Pass out the Finding Pollution Worksheets, 7 cups, pH (litmus) paper and a plastic teaspoon to each student group. Show students where the six soil samples are located.
    2. Have students label 6 of the cups #1 – #6. Label the 7th cup “water.”
    3. Explain to students what pH is and how to use pH paper. Explain concentration. It is helpful to remind students that the contaminant they are looking for is highly acidic. In other words, if the sample has a low pH, then it will be highly acidic, and they can conclude that there is a high concentration of Le Chimique in that sample.
    4. Explain and demonstrate the following procedure to the students.
    5. Students should take the water cup, plastic soon and two other cups to the samples station. Have the students fill the water cup with water and the two numbered cups with one teaspoon of the corresponding soil sample. For example, put a teaspoon of Sample 1 in cup #1, Sample 2 in cup #2.
    6. Then, have students return to their seats and add two spoonfuls of water to each sample. They should mix it up and then test it with the pH paper. Have students record the pH of each sample in the first column of their worksheets. Students should repeat this process until they have tested all of their samples.
    7. After students have measured all the samples, have them fill out the second column of their worksheet with relative concentrations of the contaminant in the sample. Samples that have a high pH have low acidity and a low concentration of Le Chimique. Samples that have a low pH are highly acidic and have a high concentration of Le Chimique.
    8. Finally, students should put a star on their maps showing where they thought the spill occurred, an arrow indicating direction of groundwater flow and a rough outline of what they think the plume looks like. (This should become apparent with the varying levels of pH.)
    9. Finally, have the students determine the velocity (v) and flow rate (Q) of the plume, using the distances and times provided on the Groundwater Pollution Worksheet. The students should use this information to predict when the flow will reach the community at point A.
    Part II – Remediation of the Contaminated Groundwater
    1. Now that the students have determined when the contaminant spill might reach community A, they will work on treating the spill. Explain to the students that the state has selected a “pump and treat” method of cleaning up the groundwater based on the recommendations of your engineering firm. They have hired your class to remove the contaminated water at the source of the spill and propose methods for cleaning the water before placing it back into the ground. While removing a sample of the contaminated groundwater to test, it was discovered that oil used in the packaging of Le Chimique was also found in the sample. Le Chimique is highly toxic, and special care will need to be taken for cleaning up the water. At the same time, the state has a tight budget for remediation of this site.
    2. Show students the water sample taken from the source of the spill. Next, show them (hold up for display) the different “tools” (treatment type, as described in the table below) available for removal.

    groundwater table

    1. On their worksheet, have students brainstorm combinations of treatment methods that might clean up the contaminated groundwater.
    2. Next, have students show the teacher their ideas. Have them obtain a small sample of the contaminated water in one of their plastic cups from Part I.
    3. The students may try their methods of clean up while following along with the worksheet. If time and material permit, allow the students to improve on their ideas with another sample of contaminated water.
    4. Lastly, have the students discuss as a class what worked well and why. Have the students also discuss the possible cost and environmental effects of the treatment methods they chose.

    Safety Issues

    • Although made from a lemonade mix, students should not eat or drink the samples.
    • Students should wear safety goggles.
    • Avoid using latex disposable gloves for Part II of the activity, as some students may have a latex allergy.

    Troubleshooting Tips

    The inverse relationship between pH and acidity can be confusing. It may be helpful to write the following on the board for reference:
    Low pH = High acidity = High concentration of Le Chimique
    High pH = Low acidity = Low concentration of Le Chimique

    Watch National Geographic feature on innovative technology to tackle California’s groundwater drought:


    Pre-Activity Assessment

    Concept Review: Review groundwater flow with students. Ask students the following questions to review their previous knowledge of groundwater flow.
    1. What is an aquifer? (Answer: An aquifer is water under the ground that technically provides a useable amount of water when pumped.)
    2. Why do engineers and many people care about groundwater? (Answer: because many people get their drinking water from the groundwater)
    3. If a can of oil was spilled on the ground by the school, could it end up in the town well 5 miles south of the school? (Answer: Yes, the oil will infiltrate through the ground and then travel with the groundwater in the direction of groundwater flow. The oil will not end up in the town well, however if the groundwater dose not flow south.)

    Activity Embedded Assessment

    Groundwater Pollution Worksheet: Have the students record pH measurements, and follow along with the activity on their Groundwater Pollution Worksheet.
    Class Discussion of Treatment Methods: Discuss with students the remediation choices listed on their worksheets and why they chose the ones they did (#10). There are many advantages and disadvantages to each treatment option, including cost, time and environmental effects. Ask students which efforts might have the biggest impact on the environment of those listed. (Answer: Chemical treatment and physical barriers.)

    Post-Activity Assessment

    Class Discussion of Pollutant Transport: Show students an overhead transparency of the site map or sketch the site map on a white/chalk board. Ask a student from each group to draw where s/he thinks the plume is located on the map. Once all the data is on the board, discus the results through the following questions.
    1. Did all the groups get the same exact answer? (Answers may vary.)
    2. If no, why not? (Answers will vary)
    3. Do you think this happens in the real world? (Answer: Yes, scientific data is highly variable and sometime yields different answers – especially in the environmental engineering field. The case the students looked at is very real. Most of the time when pollution has been detected, no one knows when or where it originated, or sometimes, they do not even know what was spilled. Environmental engineers are charged with cleaning up spills without much knowledge of what is under the ground.)
    4. Often, contaminant plumes spread out in all directions. Why might our plume spread faster in one direction than the other? (Answer: The plume spreads in the direction of the groundwater movement. There is probably a hill or higher elevations on the left side of the map.) Another reason might include the type of soil/substrate — such as high concentrations of clay on the left side of the map.
    Class Discussion of Groundwater Remediation: Have students discuss the treatment process that their team developed. Did it work? Why or why not? What would they do to improve their treatment method? (Answers will vary.) Discuss with students how engineers often iterate several different designs when developing a final process or product. In this case, environmental engineers may have to test several different methods of treatment to find one that works with both the highly acidic Le Chimique and the associated oil products. Engineers also often have to design within constraints, such as limited budget (cost) and environmental effects of the treatment process.

    Activity Extensions

    Have students research possible environmental effects of contaminant spills and report back to the class.
    Have students complete a cost analysis of their design by assigning relative dollar amounts to the treatment components. A cost for the time to complete the treatment methods can also be included.
    Have students develop a report for community A that explains the mathematical modeling and predictions of when the contaminant would have reached the houses. Then, have the students report on what remediation techniques were used and the results of those techniques.
    Watch the movie “A Civil Action” (1998, with John Travolta and Robert Duvall), and have students compare and contrast the movie with what they did in the activity. They can either write a short essay or in a chart, write two things that were the same and two things that were different.

    Activity Scaling

    For lower grades, make new keys for the pH paper that do not just have numbers for pH, but also high, medium and low acidity and high, medium and low concentration. Also, it may help to work through the mathematical modeling as a class or eliminate this part completely.

    Additional Resorces

    Groundwater Basics. All about aquifers and their use from the U.S. Geological Survey’s Water Science Schools. See also the USGS’s groundwater-level tables.

    Ground Water. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s site includes a Citizen’s Guide to Groundwater Protection (pdf) and classroom activities such a build your own aquifer.

    The Global Water Sampling Project. Join students from around the world collecting data on water quality or contribute information to the World Water Monitoring Challenge.

    How’s My Waterway? Learn the condition of local lakes and streams anywhere in the country on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s searchable registry.

    What is Groundwater? University of Nebraska, Lincoln animation explaining where water comes from.


    Ben Heavner, Malinda Schaefer Zarske, Janet Yowell, Melissa Straten

    © 2005 by Regents of the University of Colorado

Inspirational Math

math student

Math can be a tough sell. Many students think it’s too hard, or that they’re no good at it.

It doesn’t have to be this way, says Stanford Graduate School of Education Professor Jo Boaler, who has designed a new program for teachers to engage their fifth through ninth graders more deeply in mathematics.

Modeled after an Hour of Code, the “Week of Inspirational Math” is free to download and consists of five lessons – one for each school day – in geometry, numbers, patterns, and connections. Each is aligned to the Common Core state mathematics standards and includes fun problems to solve, videos, and positive classroom messages about math.

“We want to give kids inspirational math tasks that help them see math as a lovely subject of beautiful patterns and deep inquiry,” says Boaler , author of What’s Math Got to Do With It? How Teachers and Parents Can Transform Mathematics Learning and Inspire Success. “And we want teachers to see what happens when kids are really engaged in math.”

The problems can be solved in different ways, making them accessible to newbies and high achievers alike. Each emphasizes such “growth mind-set” messages as the importance of learning from mistakes or taking as much time as needed to think about and understand a problem.

The Week of Inspirational Math is the latest initiative from YouCubed at Stanford, a nonprofit co-founded by Boaler to make the latest research on math learning accessible to teachers and parents, providing practical ways to incorporate new and important research ideas in classrooms and homes.

Boaler hopes math teachers will kick off the school year with the week of lessons. Immersing kids immediately in math in a positive way, she says, can set the right tone for the rest of the year.

Teachers who use the Week’s curriculum will be able join a network to receive additional support and resources throughout the year.

Read the entire Stanford News article.

Prof. Boaler explains how teachers can inspire math achievement:


Earth Day 2015


Video condensed from “Planet Earth,” a 2006 TV series produced by the BBC Natural History unit.

Plant a tree. Snap a selfie for NASA. Calculate your ecological footprint. There are countless ways individuals — including students and teachers — can have a positive impact on the planet.

The theme of Earth Day 2015 is It’s Our Turn to Lead. Whether it’s urging Congress to fund environmental education, signing a climate petition to reduce carbon emissions, or adjusting your home hot-water heater, small steps can lead to big change.

This year, teachers can download a free Climate Education Week Toolkit (April 18-25) that contains  activities, contests, videos, and lessons aligned with the Next Generation Science Standards and Common Core. Or check out the resources and environmental science curriculum on Earth Day Network’s educator network.

Celebrate Earth Day’s 45th anniversary by finding events in your state. Families can Spring into Green in Los Gatos, Calif., recycle with students in Shaumburg, Ill., or taste seaweed in Stoneington, Maine. As part of Earth Day’s Billion Acts of Green, Mississippi State University’s Sustainability Institute and geosciences department is sponsoring a contest for K-12 students to find creative ways to reuse and recycle styrofoam containers. Meanwhile, fans of Will i Am, Mary J. Blige and other pop stars can catch Global Citizen’s Earth Day concert on the National Mall from 11:45 to 7 pm EDT on April 18.

Don’t forget to check out eGFI’s list of sustainability sites and activities for incorporating sustainability into your classroom.

Every day can be Earth Day!

‘Bot Diggity: r-one Robots For All

They clean floors, deliver drinks, fetch like puppies, even tell jokes. But can personal robots improve engineering education?

James McLurkin, an assistant professor of computer science at Rice University, certainly thinks so. And no wonder. The pioneer of swarming robotics has seen his bagel-size ’bot transform an introductory engineering course into an unabashedly fun way to convey circuits, mechanics, and other core concepts.

“My deep, secret mission to take over the world,” says McLurkin, who designed a recent swarmbot exhibit at Manhattan’s National Museum of Mathematics, to is to make cheap, high-performance robots as ubiquitous in classrooms as scientific calculators.

His course taps into a surge of student interest in robotics, starting at the K-12 level and continuing into college. Witness the enthusiasm surrounding VEX Robotics programs, which could attract as many as 13,000 competing teams worldwide this year — up from 10,000 last year. Demand from students eager to pursue VEX in college prompted the recent launch of a postsecondary program, VEX U, that now counts 300 universities, a burgeoning scholarship program, and partnerships with student chapters of professional groups such as the National Society of Black Engineers.

In classrooms, however, robots typically crop up as projects in electrical engineering and computer science — not as teaching tools. Cost has been a major barrier. McLurkin, director of Rice’s Multi-Robot Systems Lab, aims to change that by using small, mobile robots to teach foundational theory in an engaging, hands-on way.

Now in its fifth year, his introductory course was specifically designed for all experience levels — including students who had never used a screwdriver — and was a “smashing success” from the start, says McLurkin.

That warm welcome for newbies, particularly women and minority students, partly reflects McLurkin’s own odyssey into engineering. Growing up in Baldwin, New York, in the 1970s and ’80s, he quickly learned that geek wasn’t chic, particularly for an African-American male. He was bored at school, and his grades suffered. But his parents encouraged his inventiveness, buying him a “world-class” collection of LEGO sets.

McLurkin built his first robot, Rover, in high school and went on to earn a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering and a master’s and Ph.D. in computer science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Along the way he earned a master’s in electrical engineering from the University of California, Berkeley, and won the Lemelson-MIT student prize for innovation in 2003 for small, collaborative robots inspired by his own pet ants.

A Broad Introduction r-one

McLurkin developed “swarmbots” while working as lead research scientist at iRobot Corp. The cost — $2,000 each — made them prohibitive for a classroom. Shortly after arriving at Rice in 2009, he worked on a lower-cost version that could be built in his lab. The resulting r-one costs about $250 and packs almost the same research-caliber performance as the old model. Combined with Python, now the premier teaching language, the ‘bot allows students to produce sophisticated software and commands, such as velocity control loops and simple light-sensor behaviors.

At the same time, Rice opened the Oshman Engineering Design Kitchen, a 24/7 maker space full of state-of-the-art, real-world tools, which created demand for just the kind of experience McLurkin wanted to offer his students.

The course, ENGI 128, includes control theory, gears, torque, thermodynamics, voltage, and infrared systems — all  learned in the context of programming a robot to accomplish such real-world feats as lining up in numerical order or circling a stationary ’bot in a design project called the IR Olympics.

Instead of a single capstone assignment, a series of projects culminate in a final 30-robot design challenge, such as “quaffling up” like Harry Potter for a spirited match of Quidditch, performed with robots rather than student-wizards on broomsticks. “They should get their hands dirty right away,” argues McLurkin.

While the activities are fun and the course is not intended to weed out less-prepared students, it’s no easy ride. Students learn this with a jolt during their first programming problem set: creating software so their robots can move toward light and avoid obstacles using infrared and bump sensors.

Competition and the ability to be creative prove highly motivating. A tic-tac-toe game, in which teams of four program a donor-robot to win, often see “great reversals of fortune” when the robot doesn’t go or collides with another, forfeiting a round. McLurkin awards $10 gift certificates and coupons for chocolate bars or to the LEGO store over the semester, around $250 in total — “not enough to notice in any budget, but it’s fun!” Also empowering is being able to customize a robot, changing the color of its lights, for example, or programming it to play music.

Unforgiving Hardware

One challenge for instructors is ensuring the technology doesn’t outpace the students’ ability to use it. As McLurkin notes, “real hardware is unforgiving,” and because robots do what you tell them to do, not what you want them to do, things can “go off the rails very badly.” For example, getting the math wrong on the velocity controls will send the robot spinning out of control.

Another challenge has been the students’ lack of experience using tools. Unlike the Sputnik generation, whose schools had shop classes, many of today’s freshmen arrive not knowing they must push down on the screwdriver to loosen a screw. Despite such hurdles, however, most students remain undaunted and go on to study engineering, McLurkin says.

Citing student surveys, McLurkin and his colleagues reported in a 2012 paper that ENGI 128 increased engagement, motivation, and desire to major in engineering. Students bonded with their robots. Many gave them names and were sad to return them at the end of the semester. Tough homework made most students work harder to ensure their robot’s success.

While educational robots like r-one are uncommon, entrepreneurial educators detect opportunity for more use of robots in the classroom. Carnegie Mellon University’s CREATE lab, for example, has developed a $100 programmable, mobile robot — the bird-shaped Finch — to teach computer science to students as young as eight. It has light, temperature, and obstacle sensors, accelerometers, and support for a dozen programming languages. And Harvard researchers are coming out with a $10.70 AERobot — for Affordable Education Robot — designed to introduce the fundamentals of programming, logic, and robot controls to students of all ages.

This blog post is excerpted from an article by Mary Lord that ran in the January 2015 issue of ASEE’s Prism magazine. Illustration by Michelle Bersabal.

National Robotics Week 2015

A Robot Block Party on the campus of Brown University in Providence, R.I., FIRST Robotics and LEGO League contests, and Botball regionals in New Mexico are just some of the 250-plus events taking place around the country from April 4 to 11, 2015 during National Robotics Week.

Designed to celebrate America’s preeminence in robotics and to advocate for STEM education and more funding for robotics research and development, the annual ‘bot fest includes classroom activities and online resources, iRobot’s  interactive robotics app for the iPad – free during RoboWeek, and a Design a ‘Bot scavenger hunt challenge.

There also are robotics trading cards!

DARPA, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, is sponsoring a Robots4US video contest for high school students on how robots could make a difference for society. The submission deadline is April 1, 2015.

Five winners, with one parent or guardian each, will be selected to attend the DARPA Robotics Challenge Finals on June 5 and 6 in Pomona, Calif., and participate in June 7 event there to discuss their ideas and views with a panel of experts on robotics and society.

French robotics researchers develop robots to help children learn handwriting:

STEM Voice Video Contest

Simrill Smith’s winning 2014 STEM Voice video

The STEM Voice™ Video Competition is nation-wide opportunity for kids in grades 5-12 to artistically explore the importance of STEM.

Managed by the Coalition of State Bioscience Institutes, a group of nonprofits focused on life sciences education, entrepreneurship, and workforce development, the competition asks students to be creative and use video to show how much they  love STEM. They can act in it, create an animation, sing – as long as the video is appropriate for all ages.

Two semifinalists, one from middle school (grades 5-8) and one from high school, will be selected from each of the three regions. Each semifinalist (6 total) will receive a $500 cash award. Two grand prize winners (one from Middle School and one from High School) will receive $1,000 cash awards.

APPLY for STEM Voice Video Competition HERE!

Applications DUE April 17, 2015, 11:59 PM PST

NASA to Teens: Game On!

DUST cropped

Meteorites streak through the sky, dropping mysterious dust that renders people unconscious worldwide.

Working together to rescue their parents, teens must gather dirt from Mars and thwart space-agency hackers.

Who says STEM education isn’t fun? Not NASA engineers!

Working with college students from Brigham Young University in Utah and the University of Maryland, engineers from the Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland and NASA Langley in Virginia created “Falling Dust,” a free, alternative-reality game to encourage teens, especially young women and minority students, to study science, technology, engineering, and math. (Click HERE to view the trailer.) The $2 million production was funded by several grants from the National Science Foundation’s informal STEM learning program.

DUST lets multiple players interact and apply real-world skills to save humanity. As with real engineering, “there are no fixed outcomes. It’s up to the students to move the story along and do problem solving using scientific method and critical thinking skills,” said aerospace engineer Bill Cirillo of NASA Langley Research Center, who started working with the game’s developers almost two years ago.

Players are given science clues and new additions to the story about two to three times a week through email, social media, and game applications. As a community, they work to guide the action, add input, provide solutions, and conduct research to help save the adult characters.

DUST’s developers hope players will learn skills needed to form and test theories, and become better at  collecting and analyzing data, communicating ideas, and proposing solutions. Each game scenario will include one or more activities that support Next Generation Science Standards.

Ultimately, the goal is to make kids comfortable with the idea of becoming a scientist, engineer, or gamer.

“If we can do that, I think we’ve found the secret sauce that will crack open the U.S.’s ability for great discoveries,” Jeff Sheets, a BYU communications professor who helped oversee the project, told the Salt Lake City Tribune.


White House Science Fair 2015

Last year, President Obama fielded basketballs lobbed from a hand-built catapult, test drove a search-and-rescue robot, and activated an auto-retracting bridge made of LEGOs during his tour of the 2014 White House Science Fair.

On March 23, 2015 the White House again will host 100 young scientists and engineers from around the country in a day-long showcase of their cool projects, inventions, and potentially life-saving discoveries. Can’t make it to Washington, DC? No problem – you can watch live at  and

Past participants included an engineer who built and raced an electric car in a national competition, a group of girl coders who built an app to help their visually impaired classmate, and multiple teens with patents pending.


ASEE K-12 Teachers Workshop 2015

k12 workshop 2014 women

Want to get students from preschool to high school excited about learning? Incorporate authentic, hands-on engineering activities and projects.

Whether you’re seeking fun, immediately useful ways to enrich your STEM classes, teaching tips, or an opportunity to network and learn alongside STEM teachers from across the country, the American Society for Engineering Education’s 12th annual K-12 Workshop is the place to be.

WHERE: Sheraton Seattle, Seattle, WashingtonK12 workshop 2015
WHEN: June 13, 2015
8:00 am – 5:00 pm

Presented by Dassault Systèmes, this year’s workshop emphasizes “Authentic Engineering: Representing and Emphasizing the E in STEM.” The day-long program includes a wide array of quality interactive sessions for elementary through high-school educators and STEM coordinators, engaging activities to share with students, free take-away materials, and a certificate of completion at the end of the workshop (helpful when applying for CPE/CPD credits).

Boeing is generously offering the first 150 teacher registrations a $10 discount off the fee!

Non-Member registrations include a full year of ASEE Membership and automatic membership in the K-12 Division! Register HERE.

For additional details, please contact Stephanie Harrington-Hurd, Manager K-12 Activities, at

Watch ASEE TV’s highlights of the 2013 K-12 workshop: