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Computer Science Contest for Girls

hour of code

ProjectCSGIRLS blends technology and computer science in a competition for middle school girls that aims to instill a love of learning while encouraging them to develop ideas that are powerful, disruptive, and cutting-edge.

The contest was the brainchild of Pooja Chandrashekar, now a Harvard freshman majoring in biomedical engineering, who was dismayed to see so few females in her sophomore high school computer science classes. So she decided to form a nonprofit to help close the gender gap in the male-dominated tech field. In addition to the contest, the nonprofit holds learn-to-code workshops around the country.

ProjectCSGIRLS asks 6th to 8th grade girls to build something using computer science and technology that can help solve an imminent social problem in one of three areas: global health, a safer world, and intelligent technology. Deliverables include a technology summary and video. See the competition details HERE. The top five finalists will be awarded a trip to Washington, D.C., in early June.

Past contests have brought over 900 middle school girls in over 30 states together with technical professionals and organizations.

The contest opened in September 2015. The deadline for submitting projects is April 15, 2016. Click HERE to submit.

Build a Portable Sundial

Sundial Lost In Time activity contributed by the Tufts University’s Center for Engineering Educational Outreach.


Students in grades 6 to 8 investigate the accuracy of sundials and the discrepancy that lies between “real time” and “clock time.” They track the position of the sun during the course of a relatively short period of time as they make a shadow plot, a horizontal sundial, and a diptych sundial. (The activity may be abridged to include only one or two of the different sundials, instead of all three.)

Grade Level: 6-8

Time: 90 minutes

Engineering Connection

This activity focuses on the importance of accuracy in time measurements that are used today in a wide variety of instruments such as cell phones, computers, and GPS navigation systems to synchronize their functions. Improving precision, be it in component size or digital time measurement, is a design criterion that engineers address every day.


International Technology and Engineering Educators Association: Technology

  • D. Throughout history, new technologies have resulted from the demands, values, and interests of individuals, businesses, industries, and societies.
  • E. The design and construction of structures for service or convenience have evolved from the development of techniques for measurement, controlling systems, and the understanding of spatial relationships.
  • F. In the past, an invention or innovation was not usually developed with the knowledge of science.
  • F. Design and use instruments to gather data.

Learning Objectives

  • How the sun moves across the sky.
  • The difference between “clock time” and “real time.”
  • How to find geographical north.
  • Terminology, such as solstice, equinox, etc.
  • How to make a sundial, what makes it accurate, and what skews the time it tells.

Materials List

Shadow Plot:
  • 1 piece of large white paper
  • pencil width wooden dowel (or similar) 30.48 cm(12″) to 38.1 cm (15″) long
  • ball of clay
  • two 12″ piece of duct tape, cut into eight 3″ strips
  • permanent marker
  • timer
Horizontal Sundial:
  • small wooden disk
  • 3/4″-1″ nail
  • pencil
  • pen
  • pair of scissors
  • index card
  • hammer
  • protractor
  • sheet of paper
  • (optional) string
  • wood glue
    Diptych Sundial:
    • Template for diptych assembly (see attached Construction Worksheet template)
    • 1 piece of heavy paper
    • glue
    • string, preferably elastic


    Humans feel it necessary to mark the passage of time. And everyone has noticed shadows changing throughout the day. Someone unknown in the past found out that if a shadow was cast by a sloping object pointing to the celestial pole, it would cast a consistent shadow that would be in the same place at the same time every day. Though it has been suggested that this may have been 2,000 years ago, it is more likely that it would have been around 500 years ago, because before the development of clocks, it would have been difficult to determine what “the same time each day” meant.
    Practically everybody knows what a sundial is. Most people have a notion that, if they had to, they could make one. But most people’s practical knowledge of sundials is limited to having seen those popular brass horizontal dials on plinths in gardens.
    And there is a widespread, and totally wrong, belief that sundials are not very good at telling the time. The poor reputation of sundials is ill deserved, and has arisen mostly because we have all accepted “clock time” as an absolute standard, without devoting any thought to the nature of the time it is measuring.



    Sundials measure time as it is. Noon is when the sun is highest in the sky (when it crosses the meridian). Watches measure time as we would like it to be, with noon tomorrow exactly 24 hours, 0 minutes, and 0 seconds away from noon today. But noon on December 26 is actually 24 hours, 0 minutes, and 29 seconds away from noon on Christmas Day. And noon on September 15 is only 23 hours, 59 minutes, and 39 seconds away from noon on the following day.
    In the winter, the days are short and the sun is low in the sky. Each day after the winter solstice, which occurs on December 21, the sun’s path becomes a little higher in the southern sky. The sun also begins to rise closer to the east and set closer to the west until we reach the day when it rises exactly east and sets exactly west. This day is called the equinox. We mark the Spring Equinox on March 21 and a Fall Equinox on September 21.
    The sun is at its lowest path in the sky on the Winter Solstice. After that day, the sun follows a higher and higher path through the sky each day until it is in the sky for exactly 12 hours. Every place on earth experiences a 12-hour day twice a year on the Spring and Fall Equinox.
    On the Summer Solstice, the sun is at its highest path through the sky and the day is the longest. Because the day is so long, the sun does not rise exactly in the east, but rises to the north of east and sets to the north of west allowing it to be in the sky for a longer period of time.
    After the Summer Solstice, the sun follows a lower and lower path through the sky each day until it reaches the point where it is in the sky for exactly 12 hours again. This is the Fall Equinox. Just like the Spring Equinox, the sun rises exactly east and sets exactly west on this day, and everyone in the world experiences a 12-hour day.
    After the Fall Equinox the sun continues to follow a lower and lower path through the sky and the days grow shorter and shorter until it reaches its lowest path, and then we are back at the Winter Solstice where we started.


    Shadow Plot:
    • Gather materials.
    • If necessary, cut wooden dowel to 12″ to 15″ long.
    • Locate geographic north (see Directions section, below).
    Horizontal Sundial:
    1. Obtain materials.
    2. Locate your latitude (
    3. Locate geographic north (see Directions section, below).
    4. (optional) If you want to make your sundial into a necklace or key chain, drill a hole into the wooden disk to pass the string through.
    5. If doing this activity with a large group of young children,, prepare the nails in the wooden disks as well (steps 1-2 in the Directions section).
    Diptych Sundial:
    • Obtain materials.
    • Print out the Diptych Template (see the attached Construction Worksheet).
    • Locate your latitude (see
    • Locate geographic north (see the Directions section, below).


    This activity can fit with an infinite number of topics. One suggestion is to explore with students the way time is measured, the history of clocks, and the way that we tell time.
    Construction & Testing:
    The sundial must be positioned with the gnomon pointing north/south and, of course, the dial must be located where a shadow will be cast by the gnomon most of the day. Use one of the following three methods to find geographic north for your latitude.
    Method 1: The Purist’s Method
    To determine the orientation without reference to other mechanical devices, find north by observing Polaris, the North Star, at night. In positioning the sundial, the gnomon is actually being pointed to the North Celestial Pole, which is within 1-degree of the North Star. Thus, find Polaris at the end of the Little Dipper, and line up your dial by pointing the gnomon towards Polaris. You might want to record the orientation of your dial for future reference. This method does not work in southern latitudes.
    Method 2: The Practical Method
    Use a magnetic compass to determine the north/south line, but because of the difference between magnetic north and true north, the dial reading could be off by an hour or more, depending on the local difference between magnetic and true north.
    Method 3: The Lazy Method
    For a first approximation, determine the the orientation at any time by using a clock or watch, and positioning the dial so the shadow shows the correct time. However, if left in this position, an error of up to 30 minutes could result over the year because of what is known as the “equation of time.” Because of the Earth’s orbital motion around the sun, the solar day (approximately 24 hours) is not exactly the same length from day to day, varying by up to +/- 16 minutes a day.
    CONSTRUCTION: (refer to the attached Construction Worksheet for images) A shadow plot can also help you obtain a feel for how the sun’s path changes across the sky from day to day. To best see this effect, work on the shadow plot for several weeks.
    1. Set up your shadow plot in the morning, around 9:00am.
    2. Find a flat location that is clear from shadows all day long.
    3. Push a ball of clay into the ground.
    4. Insert the wooden dowel into the ball of clay so that it stands vertically. Use four of strips of duct tape to cover the clay to keep it from melting in the sun and help secure the dowel. The dowel must stand in this exact location for the length of the activity (from one day to several weeks), so make sure it is perfectly vertical and very secure.
    5. Once the dowel is in place, look for its shadow. Lay a piece of paper down on the north side of the dowel with the long edge up against the base of the dowel support. If you did not previously find geographic north (as described in the Directions section), you can now determine which direction is north since you know the sun is in the east and the dowel shadow is facing west.
    6. Use the remaining four strips of duct tape to secure the corners of the paper. Make sure to keep the middle of the paper clear as this is where you will make your plot.
    7. You are now ready to start making your measurements. The shadow from the dowel should be on the piece of paper. If it is not, wait about an hour and return once the shadow is cast onto the paper. When you have the shadow on the paper, make a mark at the very end of the shadow.
    8. Return to the plot about once every 30 minutes and make a mark at the end of the shadow each time. It is helpful to use a timer. If you start your plot at 9:00am, you should have enough markings by 3:00pm.
    1. After one day of shadow measurements, you are ready to draw the north-south line. On your completed shadow plot draw a smooth curve through all of the marks that you made, without moving the paper. The more often you took measurements, the easier it is to draw this curve accurately.
    2. Once you have drawn a smooth curve through the markings, find the shortest distance between the dowel base and this curve. Draw a line from the dowel base to this point. This line is called a north-south line. It is the line along which the sun casts a shadow at local noon. (Your local noon may not be exactly when the clock says noon, depending on where you are in your time zone.) This north-south line points exactly north and south. A line drawn perpendicular to this line points east and west. You need to know the exact direction of north to use your horizontal sundial.


    CONSTRUCTION: To align the gnomon, you must position it such that it makes an angle equal to the latitude angle where it will be used with the horizontal face of the sundial (refer to the attached Construction Worksheet for images). The easiest way to get the nail into the wooden disk at this angle is to do the following:
    1. Hammer the nail straight into the center of the wooden disk, making sure not to hammer the nail through the back of the disk.
    2. Hammer the nail from side so that it begins to bend over. Continue to bend the nail over until it is at the same angle as your latitude. If the nail becomes loose, use a little wood glue at the base to secure it.
    3. To begin construction of the hour line template, use a pencil to draw a horizontal line on the piece of white paper.
    4. Align the protractor on the horizontal line and make a pencil tick at the 90-degree mark.
    5. Draw a vertical line from the tick mark down to the horizontal line. You have just created the noon and six o’clock lines!
    6. Use a protractor and make a pencil tick at the following angles FROM THE VERTICAL NOON LINE (on both the left and right hand sides of the vertical line): 10.7, 22.2, 35.3, 50.8, 69.2, and 90. These coincide with 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 hours from noon, respectively.
    7. Use the straight edge of the protractor and connect each tick mark to the intersection of the horizontal and vertical lines.
    8. Once you have a hard copy of the image, place the wooden disk on top of the paper such that the center of the disk, where the nail hole is, is directly over the intersection of the horizontal and vertical lines. The horizontal line, marked with a six on each side, should run underneath your disk exactly across the center.
    9. Without shifting the wooden disk, rotate it until the head of the nail is pointing up the 12 o’clock line.
    10. Holding the wooden disk very still, make 13 pencil marks on the top face of the wood, each mark in line with the appropriate hour line. Because the face of the sundial is so small, it is best to only include a few of the hour numbers.
    11. (optional) If you want to make your sundial into a necklace or key chain, thread the hole with string to the desired length and tie off.
    1. Take the sundial outside on a sunny day and hold it perfectly horizontal. Make sure to point the head of the gnomon (nail) due north. The shadow cast by the gnomon should fall on the appropriate hour line. This type of sundial is not 100% accurate, but it is close and you should be able to tell the time within 15 minutes. (NOTE: Daylight savings time means you will need to adjust your sundial to agree with local “clock” time.)
    CONSTRUCTION: The folding sundial you are about to make is called a diptych sundial. Such dials have been created for four or five centuries and were traditionally made of ivory or boxwodd. The diptych dial provided here was designed by Dr. Allan Mills, Astronomy Group, Leicester University, UK. The scanned images and text were prepared by Dr. Randall Brooks, National Museum of Science and Technology, Ottawa Canada. (refer to the attached Construction Worksheet for the template; also see
    1. Obtain the diptych template from your teacher.
    2. Paste onto a piece of heavy paper.
    3. Obtain the latitude of your location (teacher may provide).
    4. On the base of the dial, mark the latitude angle on both scales, drawing lines through each of the X symbols at the top. Cut the flaps off along these lines.
    5. Note the dashed lines; two of these are marked “score on back, fold forward” and two marked “score on front, fold down.” After scoring, make the necessary folds in the direction indicated.
    6. Along the line with “noon” written above, fold the upper section forward so that the two panels make a right angle.
    7. To finish the dial, attach a string (preferably elastic) through holes at the top and bottom at the points where all the hour lines converge so that the string is taught when the dial is folded. This string is the gnomon and casts a shadow to indicate the time.

    Investigating Questions

    • How does the sun appear to move across the sky?
    • Does the sun change its path through the sky from month to month?
    • Why is it important for us to have an instrument to mark time?
    • Why is “true north” important for the accuracy of a sundial?
    • What is the difference between “real time” and “clock time”?


    Rubric Evaluation: Use the attached Rubric for Performance Testing to assess and grade student work. The rubric considers the criteria of construction, team cooperation and data collection.

    Activity Extensions

    Have students research the history of sundials and clocks and the importance of timekeeping on such things as seafaring and exploration, commerce, GPS precision mapping, and other areas.

    Recommended Resources and References 

    Recommended Resources:
    The history of daylight saving (or daylight shifting), the standardization of time, and when regions around the globe spring ahead and fall back:
    Diagram and explanation of the path of the sun through the year:
    A history of sundials over many civiliizations:
    The mathematics of sundials (a bit advanced for students, but good for teachers):

    Additional Resources:

    North American Sundial Society Learn about Maine’s missing sundail, 3-D print a sundail, and more.


    Mills, Alan. Project 4: The Diptych Dial. Astronomy Group, Leicester University, UK.

    Yohkoh Public Outreach Project, The Solar Classroom. Solar Physics at MSU, Montana State University.

    Resources for determining your latitude and longitude. Northern Arizona University.

    Zwiefelhofer, David B. Find latitude and longitude.

    Sundials on the Internet. (Links to good websites about sun dials)



    © 2013 by Regents of the University of Colorado; original © 2004 Worcester Polytechnic Institute

    Supporting Program

    Center for Engineering Educational Outreach, Tufts University

Survival Course

odd man out cover

William Tomlinson, a Ph.D. student in computer engineering at Northeastern University

African-American males represent a sliver of engineering enrollment. More could succeed if schools understood what it takes to beat the odds.

“You’ve already overcome challenges to a certain degree,” Willie Rockward reminds freshmen at all-male Morehouse College, alma mater of the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. and other African-American leaders. While too many of their peers are “in jail, in a morgue, or on the way” to one or the other fate, these young men, on average, have earned 3.2 high school GPAs. But steeper challenges await them in the Physics and Dual-degree Engineering Department that Rockward chairs, including two preliminary semesters of “tough math.” And before students enter Morehouse’s 3-plus-2 partnership with one of 14 engineering schools, including Georgia Tech, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, and the Rochester Institute of Technology, they’ll take three semesters of physics.

Such back-to-basics rigor is one school’s answer to a longstanding, perplexing question in engineering education: Why are there still so few African-American men? While black males account for 5 percent of the college population, they represent just 4 percent of undergraduate engineering enrollment, 3.3 percent of graduates, and 2.7 percent of master’s recipients. A tiny fraction reaches the professional pinnacle. According to the Journal of Blacks in Higher Education, African-Americans represent just 1 percent of National Academy of Engineering members.

For Morehouse freshmen and African-American males across the country, reaching college is itself an achievement. Just 52 percent of young black men graduate from high school in four years, less than a fourth enroll in college, and their incarceration rate is seven times that of whites. “We’re losing young black males throughout the educational pipeline,” says James Moore, Distinguished Professor of Urban Education at Ohio State University. Once on campus, many will struggle financially and academically. About 45 percent of Morehouse students and two thirds of black men overall won’t finish in six years. Some bright students who might gain acceptance to elite schools settle instead for less competitive colleges.

Those who pursue engineering face a particularly grueling and lonely slog. They often arrive with little exposure to the engineering profession or understanding of what it requires. Inadequate high school preparation requires them to play catch-up with classmates who took calculus or Advanced Placement physics and chemistry. That stretches time to graduation and adds costs. At majority-white institutions, black engineering students find few faculty members and potential mentors who look like them.

Someone on Your Side

Some schools, faculty members, and campus organizations such as the National Society of Black Engineers, seek to improve the odds of success. “I had a lot of people in my corner,” says William Tomlinson, a Ph.D. student in computer engineering at Northeastern University. Growing up, he didn’t encounter many “positive figures in general.” Now, at each stage of his academic or work life, he makes finding and keeping mentors a priority. “You have to hold on to individuals who show an interest in your success,” he says.

Tomlinson’s odyssey along with efforts by engineering programs to support African-American males are detailed in “Survival Course,” the May/June 2014 cover story in ASEE’s Prism magazine from which this post is excerpted. It was written by editor Mark Matthews and freelance writer Margaret Loftus.

Google Science Fair 2016

President Barack Obama congratulates Google Science Fair winners, from left, Naomi Shah, Shree Bose, and Lauren Hodge in the Oval Office, Oct. 3, 2011. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza) This official White House photograph is being made available only for publication by news organizations and/or for personal use printing by the subject(s) of the photograph. The photograph may not be manipulated in any way and may not be used in commercial or political materials, advertisements, emails, products, promotions that in any way suggests approval or endorsement of the President, the First Family, or the White House.Ê

President Obama congratulates 2011 Google Science Fair winners Naomi Shah, Shree Bose, and Lauren Hodge. (Official White House photo by Pete Souza.)

The sixth annual Google Science Fair got underway Feb.  21, offering students between 13 and 18 a chance to compete for $100,000 in scholarships, a trip to the Galapagos, and a first-hand look at Virgin Galactic’s latest spacecraft – among other prizes.

Teachers and mentors play a huge role in the Google Science Fair, and there’s a site with lesson plans an other resources to help engage their students. There’s also a $5,000 Inspiring Educator award for one teacher who “goes above and beyond” to encourage students to “achieve great things,” and a Community Impact Award honoring a project that addresses an environmental or health challenge. The 2015 winner, Aydan Meydan, teaches science

Projects can come from across all scientific fields, including biology, computer science, and anthropology. The deadline  to submit projects online is MAY 18, 2016, with regional and global winners announced over the summer.

Run with Lego Education, National Geographic, Scientific American, and Virgin Galactic, the contest has produced some impressive past finalists, including one teen who created a flashlight powered by heat from the user’s palm on the handle.

Click HERE to read the 2016 frequently asked questions.

The Engineer Behind the Super Soaker

lonnie johnson super soaker inventor 2.2.2016

Inventor Lonnie G. Johnson spent more than a decade in high-level posts within the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, the U.S. Air Force, and NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab. He was, in short, a rocket scientist, albeit one with a B.S. in mechanical engineering, a master’s in nuclear engineering, and honorary Ph.D. from Tuskegee University.

But what sent his already high-flying career into orbit was the invention of an extremely popular toy: the Super Soaker. Johnson was working on creating an environmentally friendly heat pump when he hooked a high-pressure nozzle to his bathroom sink. Out shot a powerful jet stream of water, and Johnson immediately saw its potential as a squirt gun.

After making successful prototypes for his daughter and neighborhood friends, he licensed the Super Soaker to Larami Corp. in 1989. (Hasbro later acquired it.) Sales for the Super Soaker have totaled nearly $1 billion since its launch, and it continues to be one of the world’s top-selling toys.

CNBC News featured him on its How I Made My Millions segment.

Dreaming up a new toy may seem an unusual step for an engineer, but not for Johnson, whose father – a skilled handyman – taught his children to build their own toys. According to his biography, as a boy in Alabama, he and his dad built a pressurized chinaberry shooter out of bamboo shoots. At the age of 13, Johnson attached a lawnmower engine to a go-kart he built from junkyard scraps and raced it along the highway until the police pulled him over. A robot named “Linex” he built out of scrap metal in high school won the science fair that year; hosted at the University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, he was the only African-American student in the competition.

Propelled by the success of the Super Soaker, for which he received patent number 5,074,437, Johnson went on to receive 80 more patents for his inventions and founded his own research and development company. Successful inventions include a ceramic battery and hair rollers that set without heat. Others, like a diaper that plays a nursery rhyme when soiled, flamed out.

These days, Johnson is working on developing revolutionary energy technology – funded in part from his water gun windfall, according to Forbes. One of his companies is introducing a new generation of rechargeable battery technology, and another is developing a technology that converts thermal energy to electrical energy with significant advantages over alternative systems. Watch CNN profile on Johnson latest projects from August 2010.

“Know that no one has a lock on any technology,” he said in his U.S. Patent and Trademark Office biography. “Those who have skill in the art can understand it and make it better… You can’t make money without getting people interested in the invention.”


National Engineers Week 2016

engineers week 2016

Spend a day introducing a girl to engineering. Coach or mentor a Future City team. Make slime and other cool stuff.

DiscoverE’s 65th annual Engineers Week is Feb. 21 – 27, 2016 and there are plenty of local events and hands-on activities – including Discover Engineering Family Fun Day at the National Building Museum in Washington, D.C., Feb. 27 – to raise awareness of what engineers do and how their work makes the world a healthier, safer place. Want to participate but don’t know how to start? Self-guided tutorials with PowerPoint slides and frequently asked questions help educators and volunteers lead kids through a successful engineering experience.

New this yearGlobal Day on Feb 24 brings together the international community to give students around the world a chance to experience engineering.

The week-long celebration is part of a broader effort to connect engineers and schools. Volunteers have coached  Future City teams, mentored students, and spoken at career days.

Looking for a way to make engineering come to life in your classroom? DiscoverE has a searchable library of free engineering and technology videos, hands-on activities, and other resources. Also check out ideas – and a free toolkit – for introducing engineering on Girl Day, which takes place Feb. 25, 2016.

Other sources for eWeek activities include the American Association for the Advancement of Science and Engineering is Elementary, the Museum of Science, Boston’s program. Download a poster showing the EiE Engineering Design Process, or try such fun, hands-on engineering activities as “Guess the Technology,” “Technology Tag,” “Tower Power,” and “Wind-Powered Vehicles.” There’s also an app that let’s you load EiE’s “Technology Flashcards” on your iPhone.

Fun With Bernoulli

paper planes extend

Activity courtesy of, a searchable online library of standards-based, engineering lessons and activities compiled by the College of Engineering’s Integrated Teaching and Learning Program at the University of Colorado, Boulder.


Students in grades 5 to 7 use Bernoulli’s principle to manipulate air pressure in a series of fun activities so its influence can be seen on the objects around us.

Grade level: 5-7

Time: 35 minutes

Cost: 50 cents per student

Engineering Connection

Because they understand Bernoulli’s principle, engineers manipulate air pressure in their designs to control and stabilize everything from rockets to helicopters to blimps. When designing airplane wings, engineers shape them so that they create lift. Even cars and trains are designed to take advantage of this principle, helping moving vehicles to stay on the ground at high speeds.
Learning objectives
After this activity, students should be able to:
  • Explain that air pressure decreases as the speed of air increases.
  • Explain that air pressure acts in all directions (not just down).
  • Explain that engineers use their understanding of pressure differences to make airplanes fly.


Common Core State Mathematics Standards

Write, read, and evaluate expressions in which letters stand for numbers. [Grade 6]

Next Generation Science Standards

Plan an investigation to provide evidence that the change in an object’s motion depends on the sum of the forces on the object and the mass of the object. [Grades 6 – 8]

International Technology and Engineering Educators Association: Technology

Knowledge gained from other fields of study has a direct effect on the development of technological products and systems. [Grades 6 – 8]

Each student needs:
  • 1 sheet of paper (new or recycled)
  • 2 round balloons
  • 2 pieces of string (18 inches long)
  • 2 small plastic cups
  • 2 straws
  • 1 ping pong ball
  • water
  • Fun with Bernoullil Worksheet


bernoulli tennis ball

Why does a curve ball curve? Why does an airplane fly? The reasons can be found in Bernoulli’s principle, which states that the faster a fluid moves the less pressure it exerts. Different air velocities are present on different parts of a curveball as well as on the different parts of an airplane. Bernoulli’s principle tells us that these differences in velocity mean differences in pressure exist as well. On a curveball, the difference in pressure causes the ball to move sideways. Engineers use their understanding of pressure differences to make airplanes fly.

(Image from NASA article on moon golf.) 

For a system with little change in height, Bernoulli’s equation can be written:
P + (v2/2g) = constant
Where P is the pressure, v is the velocity and g is gravity. Because this equation is always constant for a system, if the velocity increases, the pressure must decrease!


Before the Activity

Gather materials and make copies of the Fun with Bernoulli Worksheet.

With the Students

Hand out the worksheets.

Part A: The Paper Tent

  1. Have students fold a piece of paper (lengthwise) in half and make a paper tent.
  2. Ask students to predict what will happen when they blow into the tent. Will it appear to get larger, will it remain unchanged, or will it bend down toward the table? (Alternately, have students turn their paper tents upside down and blow through the V-shaped paper.)
  3. Make sure students notice that the tent flattens.This is because the air moving through the inverted V has less pressure, so the higher pressure on the outside of the paper tent flattens the paper.
  4. Have students experiment with their paper tents, answer the relevant worksheet questions, and discuss their results.

Part B: Moving Balloons

  1. Blow up two balloons. Tie them off, and then attach a string to each one.
  2. Have students hold the two balloons together.
  3. Ask them to predict what will happen when they blow between the two balloons. Have students record their hypotheses in the space provided on the worksheet.
  4. Have students hold the balloons 4-6 inches apart and blow between them. If they hold the balloons too close together, the balloons simply move away from the student. The balloons must be sufficiently far apart so that students can blow betweenthe balloons, not at the balloons.
  5. Expect students to see the balloons come together just like the paper V in Part A of the Procedures section.
  6. Have students complete the worksheet and discuss the results.

Part C: Magic Moving Ball

  1. Place two plastic cups about 6 inches apart.
  2. Place a ping pong ball in one of the cups.
  3. Ask the students to predict how to get the ball from one cup to the other without touching either the ball or cup.
  4. Have the students try a few of their ideas.
  5. Tell the students to gently blow across the top of the cup with the ball in it.
  6. The ball should jump from one cup to the next. This is because the air pressure moving across the top of the cup is less than the pressure inside the cup. The higher pressure inside the cup forces the ping pong ball to jump out of the cup.
  7. Have the students experiment with how far apart they can place the cups and still get the ping pong ball to jump from one to the other.

Part D: Bernoulli’s Water Gun

  1. Give the students one cup filled with water and two straws.
  2. Have students place one of the straws in the water.
  3. Then, have students cut the second straw in half to use as a “blower.”
  4. Ask the students to predict what will happen if they blow across the top of one straw in the water with the other straw.
  5. Have students blow across the top of the straw with the other straw.
  6. Expect the water to rise up in the first straw and blow across the table. This happens because the air blowing across the straw in the cup reduces the air pressure at that point. The normal pressure underneath pulls the water up the straw and the moving air blows the water out and across the room.
  7. Have students experiment with different straw lengths as the “blower.”

Troubleshooting Tips

  • In advance, cut the string pieces to speed up the activity.
  • Have a plan for the balloons after the activity is complete; otherwise, leaving the balloons with the students quickly becomes a distraction.


Pre-Activity Assessment

Discussion: Solicit, integrate and summarize student responses.
  • Review with students the Bernoulli principle. Make sure everyone understands the concept. (The faster a fluid moves the less pressure it exerts.)

Activity Embedded Assessment

Worksheet: Have students record measurements and follow along with the activity on their worksheets. After students have finished the worksheet, have them compare answers with their peers. Discuss as a class.

Post-Activity Assessment

Class Discussion: Have students engage in open discussion to suggest solutions to the following problem:
  • Given what we have learned, how does the Bernoulli principle relate to airplane flight? (Answer: If air moves faster on one side of an object, the air pressure decreases and the object will move in the direction of the faster moving air. This is how wings create lift and why the objects in this experiment move in the direction of the faster air.)

Activity Extensions

  • Have students search for “Bernoulli principle” on the Internet to find an online demonstration of how the Bernoulli principle works.
  • Have students blow with a straw between two empty soda cans laying on their sides. Expect the cans to roll together just like the balloons came together. Will this will work with any two objects? Have students investigate and write a paragraph summarizing their findings. (Answer: Most objects will do this unless the objects are too heavy to blow apart.)

Additional resources

Contributed by Tom Rutkowski, Alex Conner, Geoffrey Hill, Malinda Schaefer Zarske, Janet Yowell © 2004 by Regents of the University of Colorado. Supported by the Integrated Teaching and Learning Program, College of Engineering, University of Colorado Boulder.

USPTO’s National Summer Teacher Institute

patent poster

Innovation, STEM, and Intellectual Property is the theme for the United States Patent and Trademark Office‘s 3rd Annual National Summer Teacher Institute, to be held July 17-22, 2016 at Michigan State University.

Some 50 K-12 teachers from across the country will be selected to participate in this professional development and training program, which combines experiential learning, hands-on projects, and other techniques to help educators incorporate concepts of making, inventing, and innovation into their classroom instruction while meeting the rigors of the Common Core and Next Generation Science Standards.

The central focus of this year’s institute is on the creation and protection of intellectual property—including inventions, knowledge discovery, creative ideas, and expressions of the human mind that may have commercial value and can be protected under patent, trademark, copyright, or trade secret laws.

Presentation speakers and hands-on workshop instructors will include experts from the USPTO, Michigan State faculty, noted scientists and engineers from the Science of Innovation curriculum, and representatives from other federal agencies and nonprofit organizations. Travel and lodging are covered for teachers living beyond a 50-mile radius from campus.

Deadline for submitting your online application is Tuesday, March 15, 2016!

FIRST STEM Equity Grants

First Robotics Competition

To broaden access and reduce inequities in STEM education and after-school programming, FIRST® has partnered with Apple and Microsoft to  provide grants of up to $50,000 to as many as 15 communities in United States and Canada for the coming school year.

The FIRST STEM Equity Community Innovation Grant is designed to provide training and technical assistance to enable community leaders to:

  • Map existing community resources and identify service gaps or other unmet needs;
  • Provide the supports and resources necessary in underserved communities to increase access to FIRST programs and/or develop models for inclusive practices; and
  • Create the metrics to drive continuous improvement.

The funding period begins in June 2016 and concludes on June 30, 2017. Grants will range from $5,000 to $50,000 with an average award of $25,000 and may be used to cover costs for coalition capacity-building and meeting the needs of students participating in the proposed activities including tools, materials and robot kits, registration fees, stipends, travel, food, and other expenses essential to planning.

Coalitions are encouraged to develop innovative outreach approaches in participating communities, with a local nonprofit, school district, or other non-FIRST entity required to serve as the anchor organization.

Download the guidelines and fill out the forms HERE.

Letters of intent deadline: March 11, 2016.

Photo: Students from McKinley Tech High School in Washington, D.C., work on their robot in the FIRST Robotics Competition, Friday, March 5, 2010, (NASA/Paul E. Alers)