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Activity: Propel a Toy Boat with Chemicals

BubblesStudents grades 4-12 conduct a simple experiment that demonstrates how a familiar chemical — liquid soap — can be used to break the surface tension of water and propel a toy boat. Older students move into further inquiry of chemical dispersants and their use in combating oil spills.

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Class Activity: Crystal Study

This activity from the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory involves students, grades 6-12, in the formation of crystals on glass slides. In conducting their experiment, students learn about basic principles that guide the work of materials engineers and scientists.

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Curriculum: Learning Roomba

iRobot Create Modified Educational RobotThe Learning Roomba educational toolkit attempts to address robotics usability issues by keeping total costs down while making the tools as easy to use as possible. This toolkit is a collection of resources and tools to facilitate teaching robotics to pre-college students. Through these resources, students can learn about science, math, and engineering topics in a fun and exciting way.

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Activity: The BristleBot

BristleBotBristleBots are one variety of the popular vibrobot, a simple category of robot controlled by a single vibrating motor. This BristleBot is made from a toothbrush and a few low-cost materials and can easily be modified for additional challenge.

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Lesson: Wind Power

This lesson plan from PBS helps students discover the basics of wind power technology in having them build and refine a wind turbine. Students examine the concept of renewable energy, identify the benefits and drawbacks of wind power, and compare its costs and impact on the environment with other energy sources.

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Lesson: Suspension Bridge Building

Students grades 5-12 assume the role of civil engineers in constructing a model suspension bridge. They learn about other types of spans — including arch, girder, truss, and cantilever — and of the careful balance of compression and tension required in bridge building.

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Lesson: Nano Waterproofing

This “Nano Waterproofing” lesson explores how materials can be modified at the nano scale to provide features such as waterproofing and stain resistance. Student teams develop their own waterproofing technique for a cotton fabric and test their design against a fabric that has been altered through nanotechnology applications.

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Olympic Speed Skating Puzzle

From the hinge in the slap skate to the texture of the swift suit, engineering enhances athletic achievement. Challenge your students to test their knowledge of the technology used in this exciting Olympic sport with a fun crossword puzzle for grades 6-12. Clues can be found in this week’s feature on speed skating, and in the answer key.

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Activity: Who Invented the Cotton Gin?

In this activity, students debate who invented the cotton gin. They come to realize the complexity of the seemingly simple historical statement: “Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin.” A follow-up discussion explores the nature of invention, the importance of history, and the nature of historical evidence.

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