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USA Science & Engineering Expo Photos

Robots from FIRST Robotics Spar During a Soccer GameThe USA Science and Engineering Festival culminated in a gigantic Expo on the National Mall. A half-million visitors were kept entertained by the Giant kaleidoscope, robot competitions, explosions, and DIY rockets. Check out our photos of the event.

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Cookies, Milk, and PDAs

Learning with TechnologyTeacher Stephanie Rick was honored recently by the National School Board for her innovative uses of technology in the third-grade classroom. Her students maintain a class blog, write to “e-pals” in England, and use hand-held devices on practice tests.

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Materials: NISE Net Nanotech Kit

nanodays_exNISE Net, which sponsors NanoDays (March 26 through April 3, 2011), offers teachers a free physical nanotechnology kit to support a local NanoDays event. The kits include hands-on activities, supplies, and resource and marketing materials. Apply online for a kit between October 20 and December 10, 2010.

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Evaluate Principals, Too

Measuring UpIn the ongoing push to fix America’s public schools, policymakers are overlooking principals, argues New York Times Columnist Andrew J. Rotherham. He says principals should come under closer scrutiny, and they “play a critical role” in education, but are “evaluated almost as an afterthought.”

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Event: NanoDays, March 26-April 3, 2011

Join the NISE network’s NanoDays 2011, a nationwide festival of educational programs about nanoscale science and engineering and its potential impact on the future, by hosting a day or a week of activities.

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Activity: Cornstarch Ooze

Cornstarch OozeThis fun — but gooey — experiment with cornstarch has students in grades 3-8 creating, then testing, a batch of cornstarch ooze. They learn about the unusual properties of this and other non-Newtonian fluids.

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College Tuition Up, But So is Aid

College Students at Work in a LabTuition continues to rise at public four-year colleges and universities — increasing this school year by an average 7.9 percent – but record increases in federal grant aid will help provide some relief for students, according to a new report from the College Board.

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Making Math Fun and Relevant

Math by DesignFour Public broadcasting outlets have formed the STEM Collaborative to demonstrate that math can be both fun and relevant. The website’s challenges engage students in such projects as building a skateboard ramp and measuring a rollercoaster.

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