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Contest: NASA’s Sports Design Challenge

Spaced Out Sports ContestStudents in grades 5-8 are invited to participate in Spaced Out Sports, a national design challenge that applies Newton’s Laws of Motion in the design of a game for astronauts of the International Space Station to play in space. The goal is for students to learn the “science behind the game” on Earth and in microgravity. Deadline: February 1, 2011.

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Government Data Put to Good Use

NOAA Satellite Collecting Weather DataA Northern California program underwritten by an $11.96 million National Science Foundation grant is going to make masses of public domain scientific data readily available to middle schools. Students will be able to track hurricanes, weather patterns, and even earthquakes as they happen.

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Website: NASA Quest

NASA QuestThe NASA Quest Website offers a range of online resources for teachers, students, parents, and others, so that the public can share the excitement of NASA’s authentic scientific and engineering pursuits, like flying in the Shuttle and the International Space Station, exploring distant planets with spacecraft, and building the aircraft of the future.

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Make Way for Micronauts

Young Micronauts Learn with NASAThe Challenger Center for Space Science Education operates 45 Learning Centers across the United States, using space-mission simulators and interactive exhibitions to make STEM subjects fun for students in grades 5 through 8. Now, a new center will open next spring in West Virginia targeting K-2 students.

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Contest: NASA Engineering Design Challenge

NASA Engineering Design ChallengeThe RealWorld-InWorld NASA Engineering Design Challenge encourages students in grades 9-12 to explore and build skills essential for successful careers in STEM subjects through two phases of project-based learning and team competition, working with the Webb telescope.

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Website: supports cyber-learning and open participation with lesson plans, curricula, classroom activities, homework help, and professional development information. There are more than 35,000 web pages of STEM content available.

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Lesson: Build a Lunar Lander


In this lesson, students assume the role of NASA aerospace engineers, following the engineering design process to learn the steps for designing, creating, and improving equipment. They design and build a shock-absorbing system that will protect two “astronauts” when they land, and come to understand some of the challenges of lunar landings.

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Exhibit: Visions of Solar System, Smithsonian Air and Space


The exhibit “Beyond: Visions of Our Solar System” at the Smithsonian’s Air and Space Museum features the work of Michael Benson, who searched the archives of NASA and other planetary databases for extraordinary images of objects in our Solar System. Benson presents what our eyes might see if we could visit these spectacular places ourselves. Combining art, science, photography, and exploration, Beyond presents a visual tour of these diverse landscapes. It is the first large-scale retrospective look at the legacy of robotic spacecraft over the last 50 years.

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Courses: Teachers Learn with NASA

Taking OffNASA’s Learning Environments and Research Network and the Georgia Institute of Technology have teamed up to create the ePDN, a new initiative dedicated to preparing K-12 teachers to engage their students in STEM subjects through the use of NASA-developed learning materials and resources. Teachers wanting to enhance their instructional skills, meet professional development goals, or find new and exciting resources to use in learning environments can apply to one of the free courses.

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