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Event: NY Girls Computer Engineering at NYU, April 30, 2010

New York University Women in Computing (WinC) and Princeton University Graduate Women in Science and Engineering (GWISE) invites young women in 9th and 10th grade to the fourth annual New York City Girls Computer Science and Engineering Colloquium, April 30, 2010. The program will give young women a taste of the tremendous creativity and innovation involved in computer science and engineering or science career, and show young women how these fields can help change the world. Registration Deadline: Schools encouraged to apply by March 16

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Engineering is a Winner at an All-Girls’ School

A pre-engineering course at the all-girls Holton-Arms School in Bethesda, Md., has become a big success. Subjects covered in the course include artificial limbs, bridge disasters and robotics. Betty Shanahan, executive director of the Society of Women Engineers, is a fan: “The real challenge for reaching out to young women is to get over the stereotype that this isn’t something girls do, and then help them build their confidence.”

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Event: National Engineers Week

The National Engineers Week Foundation, with its cornerstone program, National Engineers Week, strives to reach out to current and future generations of engineering talent. Join E-week events this February 14-20, 2010, around the country at engineering schools, museums, and other organizations.

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Girls & Engineering at South Dakota State University. March 27

GEMSThis one day workshop, March 27, 2010, for 8th grade girls provides an opportunity to explore interests in science and technology. Students interact with professional women from industry as well as with professors and students from SDSU. Cost: $10.

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Study Examines Gender Differences in Classroom

Girls in high-school science classes generally were “bored, disengaged and stressed . . . compared to boys,”a recent Northern Illinois University study found. That was despite the fact that all of the students invested the same amount of time to the classes, and that the boys and girls received similar grades, the Chicago Tribune reported.

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Event: Girls STEM Day at U. Akron, Feb. 13, 2010

Kids Career Day , Feb. 13, 2010, is a half day program at the University of Akron, OH, designed to involve girls grades 1-5 in activities related to engineering, science, technology, and math careers. Each activity showcases professional women currently employed as scientists, mathematicians, and engineers. Registration deadline: Jan. 15, 2010. Cost: $6.

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Website: NAE’s Engineer Girl!

The EngineerGirl Website, a project of the National Academy of Engineering (NAE), features resources and links helpful for any classroom, including: fun facts, cool links, great achievements, and engineering contests.

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Website: Girls’ Engineering, SWE

Sponsored by the Society of Women Engineers, Aspire K-12 outreach offers a wealth of lessons and activities to help students explore biomedical, civil, chemical, mechanical, electrical, materials, general, and aerospace engineering.

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Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day at The University of Texas at Austin

INTROIntroduce a Girl to Engineering Day (Girl Day) is celebrated internationally during Engineers Week each year. Families and educators are encouraged to join their students at UT for an afternoon of engineering fun. Girl Day gives 1st through 8th grade students a chance to:

– have fun doing grade-specific, hands-on engineering activities
– meet students, professors and engineers from industry
– see what it’s like to be an engineer

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