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Feature: Teaching the How and Why of Science

Craig Kohn has an outside-the-box approach to education. His students take on real-world agriscience challenges, like converting algae to biofuel. “If our students walk away memorizing facts but are unable to use them, we have failed,” he says.

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Lesson: Weather Forecasting

Hurricane season is here, reminding us that accurate weather forecasts can be a matter of life and death in vulnerable coastal areas of the country. Even inland, severe thunderstorms play havoc with late-summer travel, and tornadoes threaten lives and property. In this lesson for grades 6 to 8, students begin by considering how weather forecasting plays an important part in their daily lives. They learn about the history of weather forecasting — from old weather proverbs to modern forecasting equipment — and how improvements in weather technology have saved lives by providing advance warning of natural disasters.

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ASHRAE Scholarship Program

ASHRAE_Logo.The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE), has scholarships available. The goal of ASHRAE is to advance technology to serve humanity and promote a sustainable world.

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Local and Global Environments

For this Internet-based collaborative project, Square Life, students investigate their local environment and share that information with other students from around the country and the world.

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