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TryEngineering E-Mentors

 The STEM economy is here, with jobs growing 42 percent faster and paying 29 percent better than those in non-STEM sectors. But women and minorities are underrepresented in these STEM fields.

TryEngineering Together, a partnership between IEEE and Cricket Media, seeks to close this gap by raising awareness of – and preparation for – fulfilling STEM careers via a 1-to-1 online mentoring platform between professional engineers and students.

Students read and exchange letters with a STEM-enthusiast eMentor about standards-aligned STEM topics and essential questions. They also experience the engineering design process through engaging, hands-on activities and learn how engineering offers many satisfying careers that match a wide range of interests and talents. The easy-to-use platform lets employees participate anywhere, anytime, for two to three hours a month.

TryEngineering Together is currently seeking innovative 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade teachers to apply for grants to cover the cost of participation for the 2019-2020 school year, and for limited slots in January.

Computer Science Education Week 2018

When a chart-topping musician like Black Eyed Peas frontman calls programmers the “real rock stars,” you know computer science has gone mainstream. Indeed, last year record numbers of girls, African American, and Hispanic students took the recently revised Advanced Placement Computer Science Principles.

Inspire your students to explore this creative field by joining more than 71,900 schools, libraries, and other organizations around the world to celebrate Computer Science Education Week from December 3 to 9.  Host an Hour of Code, community Tech Jam, or classroom activity – in 45 languages. (Get how-to details here.)

The “largest learning event in history” – which marks the birthday of computer pioneer Grace Hopper – includes Star Wars-based tutorials for beginners as young as four, a way-finding with code lesson from Disney’s Moana, inspiring videos about learning computer science, a new Minecraft  Hour of Code adventure for student in grades 2 and up, create a virtual pet activity from Grok Learning, and even “unplugged” Hour of Code activities for people without a computer or Internet connection (available in Spanish). Or sign up for Apple’s free Hour of Code lessons at stores worldwide.

Check out these educator resources to get free curricula and ideas for your classroom. There are also resources for policy advocacy, including a state-by-state list of proposed, successful, and failed legislative efforts to promote computer science education.

The National Science Foundation-sponsored Computer Science for All Teachers offers free resources, teaching tips, help desk, blog, and event calendar with webinars, hackathon challenges, and contests.

No computer science teacher at your school? Edhesive offers a free AP Computer Science massive, open online course (MOOC). It’s one of more than a dozen providers of curriculum, classroom tutorials, and platforms for teaching computer science to kids that you can integrate in your lessons.

Seek more information? The September 2013 eGFI Teachers newsletter focused on computer engineering activities. Cybersecurity was the theme of the October 2015 newsletter. And check out the eGFI Teachers’ list of computer science education resources.

Meanwhile, states are moving to adopt new computer science education standards based on the K-12 Computer Science Framework. According to the Atlantic magazine (October 19, 2016), Arkansas, Indiana, and Florida have made major computer-science pushes at the K-12 level, as have cities like New York and Chicago. California is moving to create its own standards, as are Virginia, South Carolina, and Washington state.

Download the full standards or get tips for integrating computer science into literacy, math, and science instruction from the Computer Science Teachers Association, which developed the standards. Also check out “Cracking the Code,” an Education Commission of the States policy brief on lessons from states with successful computer science education programs.

You Belong in ASEE

There is no gold or platinum status, but membership in the American Society for Engineering Education just $25 a year for preK-12 teachers – does have its perks, including discounts on rental cars, home insurance, and office supplies. Members also receive the digital version of Prism magazine, ASEE’s award-winning flagship publication.

Best of all, you join an inclusive, 125-year-old professional-learning community of interesting and involved educators who are dedicated to advancing teaching, learning, and student success across all fields of engineering and engineering technology – from preschool through grad school and career.

Members in ASEE’s very active Pre-College Division, for example, are working with local schools and districts to train teachers and create curriculum, and presenting their research on effective STEM teaching methods at ASEE’s Annual Conference, where the division organizes a hands-on workshop for PreK-12 teachers.(Photo: 2018 conference attendees jotted their thoughts on the ASEE Living Wall.)

Can’t make the 2019 Annual Conference and Exposition in Tampa, Fla., June 16 to 19? ASEE’s regional Section and Zone meetings provide opportunities to participate in professional activities at the local level and network with colleagues who share your interests and goals.

Whether you’re a seasoned engineering instructor, the designated developer of your school’s new integrated STEM course, or an elementary teacher seeking to incorporate engaging, authentic design challenges into science and math lessons, you belong in ASEE.


Amazon Future Engineer Program

High-tech firms like Facebook, Amazon, and Google have an ever-expanding need for engineering and computer science graduates. But even small firms and nonprofit organizations require technologists to do their jobs. And demand far outstrips the number of computer science and software engineering graduates.

Retail giant Amazon recently launched “Amazon Future Engineer” to address that imbalance. The free education program, unveiled in late October, focuses on computer science as part of STEM and aims to inspire and train students from underserved and low-income communities to pursue computer science careers. Elements include K-8 coding camps and online lessons, paying for introductory and Advanced Placement (AP) computer science courses in 2,000 low-income U.S. high schools, and underwriting four-year $10,000 annual college scholarships. Applications opened November 1. Amazon also offers internships for college students.

Beeline for Mars

NASA’s latest Mars lander, which executed a perfect touchdown on a rubble-free plain on November 25 after a six-month journey of 91 million miles, is unlike previous robotic explorers. Rather than orbit the planet or rove its surface to relay atmospheric and topographical information, the InSight rover is larded with sensitive instruments designed to dig deep into the Martian interior for the first time. The mission’s goal: Study the size, thickness, density, and overall structure of the Red Planet’s core, mantle, and crust, and also determine how quickly heat escapes from its interior.

The data will provide a better understanding of the evolutionary processes of all the rocky planets in our solar system.

Click HERE for raw images InSight has beamed back from Mars and HERE for images from the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory’s mission control center celebrating the successful landing.

Meanwhile, a future Mars mission may include sending robotic bees. The Marsbees would be around the size of a bumblebee and feature cicada-size wings as well as a miniature video camera, sensors, and wireless communication device. They’d fly in swarms and could be used to create 3-D maps to help guide a rover over the rugged Martian terrain. They could also be used to measure the atmosphere’s temperature and chemical composition. Chang-kwon Kang, an assistant professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering at the University of Alabama in Huntsville, recently won a nine-month, $125,000 Phase 1 NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts grant to determine if his flapping-wing design would give the robotic bees sufficient lift in the low-gravity Martian environment—news that generated a fair amount of media buzz.

This article was adapted from “Beeline for Mars” by Thomas K. Grose, which appeared in the May 2018 issue of ASEE’s Prism magazine. Excerpt illustration credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech

Edible Rovers

Activity courtesy of, the University of Colorado College of Engineering’s digital library of K-12 engineering curriculum. Click HERE for the high school version. For a related rover design challenge for middle school students that involves programming, see TeachEngineering’s Curiosity Killed the App. 

Bring NASA’s latest Mars lander, InSight, into your lesson with teachable moments from NASA-JPL’s Educator Game Plan: InSight Mars Lander & Beyond! One hands-on activity for students in grades 5-12, the Heat-Flow Programming Challenge, involves measuring heat flows in soil, just like InSight will do on Mars!


Students act as Mars exploratory rover engineers. They evaluate rover equipment options, determine what parts fit in a NASA-provided budget, and then, given a parts list, use these constraints to design, build, and display their edible rover at a concluding design review.

Grade level: 6-8

Time: 1.5 hours (can be split into two 45-minute classes)

Cost: $3

Engineering Connection

The engineering design process is a series of steps that engineering teams use to guide them as they solve problems. To build any engineered object (like rovers, bicycles, music players or amusement park rides), engineers gather information and conduct research to understand the needs of the problem to be solved. Then they brainstorm many imaginative possible solutions. They select the most promising idea and make a final design that includes drawings, and decisions on the materials and technologies to use. They create and test many prototypes, making improvements until the product is the best it can be.

Pre-Req Knowledge

Students should be familiar with some of the basic parts of a Mars exploratory rover. Additionally, students should be familiar with the concept of dimensions and tolerances for part assembly.

Learning Objectives

After this activity, students should be able to:

  • Design and construct an edible Mars rover.
  • Create a written plan for building an edible rover.
  • Describe the function of a Mars rover’s scientific instrumentation.
  • Measure the four rover wheels and determine the range of wheel measurements, and use that range to determine a reasonable dimension and tolerance for the part.
  • Understand the engineering process behind designing and fabricating a Mars rover.

Learning standards

Next Generation Science Standards

  • Define the criteria and constraints of a design problem with sufficient precision to ensure a successful solution, taking into account relevant scientific principles and potential impacts on people and the natural environment that may limit possible solutions.

Common Core Mathematics

  • Fluently add, subtract, multiply, and divide multi-digit decimals using the standard algorithm for each operation.

International Technology and Engineering Educators Association

  • Design involves a set of steps, which can be performed in different sequences and repeated as needed.
  • Test and evaluate the design in relation to pre-established requirements, such as criteria and constraints, and refine as needed.
MaterialsEach group should have:

For the class to share (divided between student groups):

  • candy

Note: The following types of candy/cookies are excellent for this activity: Oreo’s™, graham crackers, Kit Kat™ candy bars, string licorice, gumdrops, peppermint candies, Life Savers™, marshmallows, jelly beans, Fruit Roll Up™ snacks (Blue and Yellow).


Start the activity by asking students why it takes so long for NASA to develop and send a Mars rover to the Red Planet? (Possible answers: Rovers are very complicated machines, it is very expensive to send missions to Mars, or there are several steps that must occur before a rover is sent on a mission.) Ask students if they know the steps of a rover project? (Answer: engineers have to design the rover, then it has to be manufactured, or fabricated/made, then the rover has to be assembled and field tested.)

Next, ask student pairs to brainstorm a list of the parts on a Mars rover, and write their answers on the board. (Possible answers: body, brains, temperature controls, arms, wheels, energy source, communications, Panoramic Camera, Abrasion tool, Spectrometer, X-Ray Spectrometer and Microscopic Imager.)

Now have student pairs describe the function of each part of the rover. (Answers: Body: protects the rovers “organs”; brains: computers that process the rover’s information; temperature controls: heaters and insulation of the rover; arm: a robotic arm used for extension; wheels: attached to the legs and allow rover movement; energy source: solar panels and batteries; communications: antennas for communication with NASA; Panoramic camera: a camera mounted on the head, front or back of the rover to take pictures; abrasion tool: can scrape rock to bring back samples of Martian rock; Spectrometer: can identify any minerals that contain iron; X-Ray Spectrometer: can take x-rays of rocks and soil so NASA will know what elements are in the rocks; Microscopic Imager: shows very small details of rocks and soil on mars.)

After discussing the parts of a Mars rover, show students the Rover Parts Identifier Handout-Overhead (Click HERE for PDF], and review the rover parts using an overhead projector. This will help re-familiarize students with the major parts of the rover. At this time, you may also want to review with students the definition of dimensions and tolerances. Lastly, explain to students that they will be in charge of their own rover project. It will be their responsibility to design and assemble an edible Mars rover!


Before the Activity

  • Buy (or collect from students) all food items to be used the day before starting the activity.
  • Measure a single item from each package of cookies or candy and record this measurement. For example, if you have a package of Oreo’s, measure the diameter and the thickness of a single Oreo cookie and record these values.
  • Create a handout or write on the board the food items available to students for building their rover. Also list beside each item their associated dimensions. Call this list “Material Constraints.”

With the Students

  1. After the introduction, have students complete the Scientific Instrumentation Options Math Worksheet. Explain to students that it is essential to choose a combination of instruments that are useful and will keep them within their budget.
  2. Have groups brainstorm a design for their edible rover. Explain that they have material constraints (they only have certain materials they can choose from), just like a real engineer. Tell students that they will also have cake icing, toothpicks and straws available to assemble their rover. Remind students that their rover should include all of the required parts and chosen scientific instrumentation from their Scientific Instrumentation Options Math Worksheet.
  3. Have groups sketch a picture of their final edible rover design on the Edible Rover Worksheet (question 2). This sketch should include labels and dimensions of the major parts.
  4. Next, have students fill out the material chart on the Edible Rover Worksheet (question 3) with their group.
  5. Using the Edible Rover Worksheet, have students list the steps they will take to design and build their rover (question 4).
  6. Have students show the project manager (you, their teacher) the design for approval.
  7. Once students have an approved design, give them a piece of wax paper, 2 tablespoons of cake icing and any needed straws (no more than 2) and toothpicks (no more than 8). Additional icing can be distributed to groups if they run out.
  8. Give groups time to assemble rovers.
  9. Once rovers have been built, have groups display their rovers to the project manager for a design review. During the design review, have students describe the parts of their rover, and also have them discuss what they liked and disliked about their design. This could be done as a group presentation in front of the class if time allows.
  10. Allow students time to enjoy eating their design while they finish filling out their Edible Rover Worksheet.


Safety Issues

Watch that students do not poke themselves or others with the plastic knives or toothpicks.

Troubleshooting Tips

Distribute the cake icing to students, rather than let them scoop out their own, to ensure that they do not take too much. Review students’ rover design plans before letting them retrieve the necessary candy. If two days are used to design and build the rovers, use the first day for rover design and the second day for rover assembly.


Pre-Activity Assessment

Brainstorming: In small groups, have the students engage in open discussion. Remind students that in brainstorming, no idea or suggestion is “silly.” All ideas should be respectfully heard. Encourage wild ideas and discourage criticism of ideas. Ask the students:

  • What are the parts of a Mars rover? (Possible answers: body, brains, temperature controls, arms, wheels, energy, communications, Panoramic Camera, Abrasion tool, Spectrometer, X-Ray Spectrometer and Microscopic Imager.)
  • After writing the parts of the rover on the board, have students describe the function of each part of the rover. (Answers: Body: protects the rovers “organs”; brains: computers that process the rover’s information; temperature controls: heaters and insulation of the rover; arm: a robotic arm used for extension; wheels: attached to the legs and allow rover movement; energy source: solar panels and batteries; communications: antennas for communication with NASA; Panoramic camera: a camera mounted on the head, front or back of the rover to take pictures; abrasion tool: can scrape rock to bring back samples of Martian rock; Spectrometer: can identify any minerals that contain iron; X-Ray Spectrometer: can take x-rays of rocks and soil so NASA will know what elements are in the rocks; Microscopic Imager: shows very small details of rocks and soil on mars.)

Activity Embedded Assessment

Brainstorming: In their teams, have the students engage in open discussion to determine the design of their edible rover. They should decide which materials they will use for each part. Remind students that no idea or suggestion is “silly.” All ideas should be respectfully heard. Encourage wild ideas and discourage criticism of ideas. Have each student answer question 3 on the Edible Rover Worksheet.

Drawing: Have students draw a sketch of their rover on the Edible Rover Worksheet (question 2). The sketch should be labeled and include dimensions of the basic rover parts.

Procedure Practice: Using the Edible Rover Worksheet, have students list the steps they will take to design and build their rover (question 4).

Post-Activity Assessment

Re-Design Practice: Have the students list any design or fabrication changes they would make to their rover using question 7 on the Edible Rover Worksheet.

Bingo: Before class, write out a list of 24 vocabulary words (relating to the lesson or activity) and their definitions on a sheet of paper. At the end of the activity, write the 24 vocabulary words on the board. Distribute the provided BINGO sheets (see attachments). First, have student fill in one square with the word FREE. Then, have students fill in the remaining 24 squares on the BINGO sheet with the given vocabulary words. It is advisable to have students use a pen when filling out the BINGO sheet. Cut up the piece of paper, which you have used to write out the 24 vocabulary words. Place these pieces of paper in a bowl or hat and remove one vocabulary word at a time and call out the word and definition. Have students mark off the words as you go. The first student to get five in a row (vertically, horizontally or diagonally) wins BINGO!

  • Possible vocabulary words for this activity include:
Table with vocabulary words

Activity Extensions

Assign a part of the Mars rover to each group (body, brains, temperature controls, arms, wheels, energy, communications, Panoramic Camera, Abrasion tool, Spectrometer, X-Ray Spectrometer and Microscopic Imager.) Then, have each group research their assigned rover part using the following NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory – California Institute of Technology web pages:

Mars Exploration Rovers home page

Mars Exploration Rovers images

Mars InSight Mission home page

Once students have completed their research, have them create a research poster and have them present the information to the class.

Activity Scaling


Activity adapted from NASA’s Mars Activities, Edible Rover (page 49).

Spacecraft: Surface Operations: Instruments. (See also instrumentation diagram.)

NASA Facts: Mars Exploration Rover.


Chris Yakacki; Geoffrey Hill; Daria Kotys-Schwartz; Malinda Schaefer Zarske; Janet Yowell; Denise W. Carlson


© 2004 by Regents of the University of Colorado.

Supporting Program

Integrated Teaching and Learning Program, College of Engineering, University of Colorado Boulder


The contents of this digital library curriculum were developed under a grant from the Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education (FIPSE), U.S. Department of Education, and National Science Foundation GK-12 grant no 0338326. However, these contents do not necessarily represent the policies of the Department of Education or National Science Foundation, and you should not assume endorsement by the federal government.

Conrad Spirit of Innovation Challenge

“Unleashing students to change the world,” is the bold motto of the Conrad Challenge. Created by astronaut Pete Conrad’s widow, the annual innovation and entrepreneurial competition invites 13- to 18-year-old students  from around the world to use STEM skills to develop products and services that solve such pressing problems as cybersecurity and pollution. Along the way, coaches, world-renowned scientists, engineers, and entrepreneurs act as mentors to help turn their ideas into a reality – and even patents.

This year, participants will develop projects around one the following six categories: Aerospace & Aviation, Cyber-Technology & Security, Energy & Environment, Health & Nutrition, and, new for the 2018-2019 Conrad Challenge, Transforming Education with Technology and Smoke-Free World.

Download the Team  Handbook for timeline, details about each category, and prizes.

Conrad Challenge winners from Christopher Columbus High School in Miami, Florida, were recognized at the American Society for Engineering Education’s 2018 annual conference in Salt Lake City:

Teams must consist of two to five students and have one team coach (adult supervisor) 18 years old or older. Students must be at least 13 years old at the time of registration and no older than 18. Teams may compete in multiple categories. Each team coach must acknowledge that he/she has read and understands the terms and conditions set forth in the competition rules in order for the team to be eligible for any awards. The competition is open internationally; there are no geographic restrictions on eligibility.

Julia Bray and Ashton Cofer, the 2017 Conrad Challenge winners in the Energy & Environment category from Columbus Academy and Gahanna Lincoln High School in Columbus, Ohio, were recognized at ASEE’s 2017 Annual Conference and presented their Styro Filter project:

Photo of Conrad Challenge winners Julia Bray and Ashton Cofer ©Mary Lord for ASEE

National Nanotechnology Day

Have a poster contest, host a science cafe, or stage a 100 billion nanometer race… There are many ways to celebrate National Nanotechnology Day on October 9. (The date refers to the nanometer scale: 10–9 meters.)

The federal National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI) has a list of activities taking place at schools, colleges, government labs, and businesses around the country. It also has a broad list of nanotech educational resources, including exhibits, classroom activities, Dragonfly TV, and other information for K-12 teachers and students. There’s also a Nanotechnology and You site with infographics and other explanation of ultrasmall science.

Meanwhile, your class can enjoy the adventures of Generation Nano Superheroes created by middle and high school students for a contest sponsored by the National Science Foundation and NNI, watch Super Small Science videos produced by NSF and NBC Learn, or do hands-on TryNano games and activities. The American Chemical Society has a video series on such topics as nanomachines as well as nanotechology lessons for middle and high school students.

Here are some eGFI Teachers activities and features: 


Cover image courtesy of the National Institute of Standards and Technology. It shows a structure made with a scanning tunneling microscope at the NIST Nanoscale Physics Facility. The larger blue peaks are pairs of cobalt atoms, while the two smaller peaks are single cobalt atoms. The swirls on the copper surface illustrate how the cobalt and copper electrons interact with each other.

Take a Bite Out of Food Waste

Every day, Americans waste enough food to fill a football stadium, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food and Nutrition Service. And school lunchrooms are part of the problem.

To celebrate National STEM/STEAM Day on November 8, the STEMconnector’s second annual National Day of Design is challenging students of all grade levels to design solutions for eliminating food waste in their school’s cafeteria.

The contest, which is aligned with Next Generation Science Standards, encourages real-world critical thinking, communication, teamwork, and overall STEM skills. It was created to spark interest in STEM and inspire more young people to pursue STEM careers. The 2017 inaugural National Day of Design drew more than 30,000 participants across the country.

The 2018 National Day of Design Mission, Food Rescuers: STEM Innovations to Reduce Food Waste provides an interdisciplinary, hands-on way for K-12 students to acquire a deeper understanding about an issue that affects their daily lives and their communities while using various science, English, technology, and engineering skills to tackle it.

“This Mission reminds students that each of us has a role to play in solving complex global challenges at the local level,” said Erin White, STEMconnector’s senior director of product development and research. “It helps them to make the connection that what they learn in school can actually be applied in the world around them.”  That these are the skills adults use to solve actual problems. And hopefully that translates into lifelong interest in STEM and problem-solving.”

The standards-aligned Mission can be downloaded for free at:, and participants are asked to share photos, quotes, videos, and other updates from the Mission on social media using #DayofDesign2018 on November 8. For additional information, contact

Meanwhile, the USDA’s U.S. Food Waste Challenge invites K-12 students and schools to develop ways to reduce and recover food waste. The effort includes an infographic and webinars for teachers, with inspiring stories of schools like Chesterbrook Elementary School in McLean, Va., where every student learns how to separate waste into categories like recyclables, food to be donated, upcycling bins, and general trash.  The school’s Eco Team, run by sixth graders, ensures their fellow students are putting waste into the correct bin. The team then collects, weighs, categorizes, and places the food to be donated into separate refrigerators, provided by the Food Bus, a non-profit organization that works with schools to donate food that would otherwise go to waste. At the end of the week, PTA members or community volunteers deliver the food to the local food pantry.  In the 2013-2014 school year, the 12 schools that work with the Food Bus provided 13,502.6 pounds of food to their local food pantries.

Check out these smarter lunchroom tips for improving nutrition while reducing waste, and this Ohio State University slide presentation on the role of trays in contributing to waste.

Schools also can get involved with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Food Recovery Challenge.  That effort aims to measure the extent of food waste locally and nationally while celebrating innovations developed by schools, universities, grocery store chains, and businesses that use data-proven methods for reducing waste and making use of food that normally would get discarded.

Opening image: Andrew Updyke makes his choices at the donated salad bar in the Elsie Whitlow Stokes Community Freedom Public Charter School cafeteria, on Wednesday, February 2, 2011. The school is the first Washington, D.C., school to achieve the Gold Award of Distinction from the HealthierUS School Challenge (HUSSC). U.S. Department of Agriculture photo by Lance Cheung.