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Essay Contest: R U Curious? Grades 1-12, Cambridge, Mass.

curiosity tag

Application deadline: Feb. 12, 2010; level: ages 5-18.

Cambridge Science Festival’s Curiosity Challenge

Students  ages 5 to 18 are invited to take the Cambridge Science Festival’s Curiosity Challenge. Write an essay, draw or take a picture about your curiosity and tell us how it prompted you to explore your world. Then enter your essay or artwork in the Curiosity Challenge by submitting it at any Cambridge Public School or Cambridge Public Library branch or at the MIT Museum by Feb. 12, 2010.

Winners will be honored at the Curiosity Challenge Celebration at the Cambridge Science Festival May 2nd 2010.

Great scientists and innovative technologists are immensely curious – they want to know how to prevent disease, if there is life on Mars, how to create social communities on a global scale, and what sociable robots tell us about ourselves.  They are eager to acquire knowledge – it’s the mark of a true scientist.

We know that the future Eric Landers, Phil Sharps, and Eileen Collins are in school right now, learning to read, write and make a positive contribution in life.  But we are curious.  We want to know more about these future scientists.

C’mon! Dare to take the Curiosity Challenge

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2010 Detailed Submission Guidelines

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