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Open House: Plasma Physics Day, Princeton, NJ. May 1, 2010

The U.S. Department of Energy’s Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) will host an Open House on Saturday, May 1, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. LCome to the hottest place in New Jerseyand find out about fusion energy — the process that powers the sun and other stars. Location: Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Princeton University, James Forrestal Campus, Plainsboro, New Jersey. Cost: Free. Photo IDs required of visitors 18 and older.

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Teacher Programs: Weightlessness in Space. Deadline: April 30, 2010

Floating TeacherThe Northrop Grumman Foundation Weightless Flights of Discovery program provides public Middle School teachers of STEM subjects the opportunity to join teacher workshops and parabolic flights in locations throughout the country.Teachers learn about the physics of weightlessness, design microgravity experiments, and experience a weightless flight. Teachers then use their videotaped flight experience and the results of the experiments to help shape math, science, technology or engineering curricula at their home schools.

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Seminar: Learning about Science Writing. May 15, 2010

An all-day seminar, Science Writing: From Eureka Moment to Digital Publishing, will be held at the Smithsonian Institution, May 15, 2010. From cells to stars, from evolution to swine flu, writing about diverse and complex scientific topics is an engaging, challenging endeavor requiring special skills. The seminar presenters discuss how to find ideas, develop essential skills, and thrive in the digital age. Cost: $85 Smithsonian members, $75 senior members, $120, general public.

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Teachers’ Summer: Environmental Institute. Alabama. July 18-23, 2010

Legacy Summer Teacher Institute in Birmingham, July 18-23, 2010, is for Alabama teachers interested in learning about environmental topics and issues such as pollution prevention, ecology, waste management, and natural resources. Teachers participate in hands-on activities, presentations by classroom teachers, field trips, and content presentations by environmental experts. All expenses, include housing, meals, and materials paid. Application deadline: not posted, but early application encouraged. No new information for 2011.

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Museum and Online Resource: NYC’s Cooper-Hewitt Design Museum

Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum, Smithsonian Institution, New York City, offers perspectives on the impact of design on daily life through educational and curatorial programming.

Collections include more than 250,000 design objects and a design library, while exhibitions, educational programs, and an on-site, degree-granting master’s program explore the process of design, both historic and contemporary. Teachers may be particularly interested in the online Educators Resource Center, which provides lesson plans, videos, and links to other on-line resources.

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Teachers’ Summer: Certification in Teaching 21st Century Skills

NYITThe New York Institute of Technology, in conjunction with Intel, is offering free training and certification in teaching 21st Century Skills during the week of July 12. This course is designed to create a foundation of skills for teachers to fully integrate technology into existing classroom curricula and has the potential to close the achievement gap for students in science, math and technology. Participants will explore learning experiences in the STEM content areas and will include instruction in rich internet resources and cutting edge technology. No new information for 2011.

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Program: National Robotics Week. April 10-18, 2010

National Robotics Week, April 10-18, 2010, recognizes robotics technology as a pillar of 21st century American innovation, highlights its growing importance in a wide variety of application areas, and emphasizes its ability to inspire technology education. A week-long series of events and activities is planned to increase public awareness of the growing importance of “robo-technology.”

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Web Conference: Smithsonian Problem-Solving. April 13-14; 28-29, 2010.

Smithsonian historians, scientists, and other researchers share their questions, methods, and findings in an interactive format, welcoming educators to contribute their own ideas. This multi-disciplinary two-part online conference will feature live presentations, moderated forums, and demonstrations of how Smithsonian specialists use critical thinking skills to solve problems in their areas of expertise. An online exhibit hall will allow participants everywhere to experience virtually the world of the Smithsonian and the wealth of its resources. April 13-14 (“World Cultures and the American Experience”) and 28-29 (“Biodiversity and Mysteries of the Universe”), 2010.

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Event: Robot Fest, Nat’l Electronics Museum, Linthicum, MD. April 24, 2010.

RobotFest is a free, one-day event that promotes creativity, technology, engineering and the sciences. Held at the National Electronics Museum in Linthicum, Maryland, April 24, 2010, 10am-3pm, RobotFest invites students of all ages and those with the unquenchable urge to create new, previously unseen forms from lifeless electronics and mechanical parts of metal and plastic.

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