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White House Adds $4 Billion For Education

In his State of the Union address last week, President Obama’ outlined plans to boost federal education spending. The administration says it will seek to boost the Department of Education’s budget by $4 billion.

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Activity: Who Invented the Cotton Gin?

In this activity, students debate who invented the cotton gin. They come to realize the complexity of the seemingly simple historical statement: “Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin.” A follow-up discussion explores the nature of invention, the importance of history, and the nature of historical evidence.

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Web Resource: African-American Scientists and Engineers

The African American History Program online database of the National Academy of Sciences includes African American citizens of the United States who have made significant contributions in science, engineering, or medicine.

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Lecture: Getting It Right. Feb. 18, Wash. DC

Aerospace engineer Wanda Austin will deliver the 2010 Annual African-American History Program Lecture at the National Academy of Science, Feb. 18. Reservations required.

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Lab on Wheels Brings Bioscience to K-12

St. Cloud State University has developed a lab on wheels, better known as the Science Express, that visits K-12 schools in central Minnesota. The 53-foot-long semi-trailer contains a highly sophisticated science lab with equipment that no K-12 school could afford to have.

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Website: Famous Black Inventors

The Famous Black Inventors Website offers excellent profiles of past and present African-American innovators, as well as a resource page with information on inventors and inventions — highlighting African Americans and women — invention history and trivia, and links to other Internet sites.

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Administration Eyes New Accountability Formula for Schools

The Obama administration is developing a new formula to hold schools accountable for student performance as it works to revise the eight-year-old No Child Left Behind law. Changes may include eliminating the 2014 deadline for universal proficiency for all groups.

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Make It Exciting, and They’ll Come on Saturday

Getting middle school students to spend a precious Saturday morning back in school—studying STEM topics, no less—may sound like an exercise in frustration. But, a program developed by the Salisbury, Maryland school district is having great success doing exactly that.

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Study finds Math Standards Key to Performance

AIRA new report by the American Institutes for Research (AIR) examines mathematics standards used in grades 1-6 by Hong Kong, Singapore, and South Korea, which were chosen for international benchmarking because of their high performance on the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) assessments. The analysis finds a number of features that can be utilized for the development of K-6 mathematics standards in the United States.

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