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Winter Olympics Resources for Students

edHelperedHelper offers free 2010 Winter Olympics-themed games, puzzles, booklets, activities and reading materials for students. This comprehensive web page features teaching aids in several different disciplines, including math, reading and writing, language development, critical thinking and more.

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Lesson: The Luge

Austrian Luge Championships 2010 by Christian JanskyStudents build a simulated luge track and make predictions about the impact of surface type, wind resistance, size of slope, and shape of luge on their track; test their predictions by conducting several simulated luge runs; and make conclusions about the effects of physical forces on the sport of luging.

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Olympic School

Canadian Olympic SchoolThe Canadian Olympic School Program has provided teachers with free classroom resources since 1988. Its website provides learning resources that help to engage students in the the Olympic Games. The resources include stories of Olympic athletes, project pacts for teachers, learning kits, videos, interactive materials for students, games and more.

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Lesson: Shapes of Africa

Shapes 1In this lesson plan, students learn how to find shapes in their world. With the help of the children’s book A Triangle for Adaora by Ifeoma Onyefulu, which shares the experience of a young Nigerian girl as she looks for a triangle around her, students learn the basic shapes, then go looking for them in magazines. They then present their findings to the class as shape researchers. This lesson also incorporates cultural learning.

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Study finds Math Standards Key to Performance

AIRA new report by the American Institutes for Research (AIR) examines mathematics standards used in grades 1-6 by Hong Kong, Singapore, and South Korea, which were chosen for international benchmarking because of their high performance on the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) assessments. The analysis finds a number of features that can be utilized for the development of K-6 mathematics standards in the United States.

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Web Resources: How Earthquakes Occur

The Incorporated Research Institutes for Seismology (IRIS) offers resources for teachers wishing to help their students better understand why devastating earthquakes like the one that recently struck Haiti happen. The “Teachable moments” page features presentations (including an excellent power point slide show), animations, posters, images, video, general information, programs, resources in Spanish, news, and more.

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Lesson: Save Our City!

Tornado by NOAAStudents learn about various natural hazards and specific methods engineers use to prevent these hazards from becoming natural disasters. They study a hypothetical map of an area covered with natural hazards and decide where to place natural disaster prevention devices by applying their critical thinking skills and an understanding of the causes of natural disasters.

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Website: Doing What Works

The Doing What Works (DWW) Website, sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education, translates research-based practices into practical tools to improve classroom instruction. The goal is to create an online library of resources to help teachers, schools, districts, states and technical assistance providers implement research-based instructional practice.

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Elementary School to Offer Engineering

The Derby school district, near Wichita, Kansas, will lead the nation by being the first to offer the engineering classes at an elementary school.

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