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Calif. Teen Wins Siemens Prize

zhangAngela Zhang, a high school student from Cupertino, Calif., won the 2011 Siemens Competition and a $100,000 scholarship for research that created a tiny particle she likened to a “Swiss army knife of cancer treatments” because of its precision in targeting cancer tumors. She was one of six individuals and six teams competing in this year’s annual Siemens Foundation high school science competition. The final judging took place over the weekend in Washington, D.C. with winners announced December 4. Washington, D.C.

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Lesson: Bits & Binary

binaryIn this activity, students in grades 4 – 12 will do math like a computer. They will learn the basics of binary number systems by writing and then counting on their hands, and use their knowledge to decode numbers and letters.

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Doc Thanks His Science Teacher

trailerAl Siedlecki — known as “Sie” to his students — has taught science at Medford Memorial Middle School in New Jersey for more than three decades. But a few years back, as Sie was helping a group of students study for a test, something happened that in all his years in the classroom had never occurred before: a former student called to thank him for inspiring a love of science — and career as a neurosurgeon. Hear their StoryCorps tale.

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