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TEAMS at JETS – Junior Engineering Technical Society

TEAMSTEAMS, JETS flagship program, is an annual academic competition that gives students, in grades 9 – 12, the opportunity to discover the practical applications of math and science by solving some of today’s greatest engineering challenges. More than 14,000 students compete every year in this fun and fast-paced competition that inspires creativity, teamwork, critical thinking and valuable insight into the world of engineering.


* Brings math and science to life. * Gets students involved in the classroom or after school club/group. * Fosters creativity, critical thinking, teamwork and problem solving skills. * Energizes students with new academic topics and challenges. * Inspires students by showing them what’s possible with a career in engineering. * Answers that age-old question, “When am I ever going to use this?”

Through TEAMS, students make the real-world connection between math and science to engineering by solving actual engineering scenarios. Questions are focused around a common theme and in 2009 the theme will be: Behind the Scenes: Theme Parks. Students will discover the engineering involved in designing, building and running America’s theme parks!

Competitions take place annually between February 2 and March 15 at over 80 locations across the country.

1420 King Street, Suite 405
VA, 22314
Contact: Megan Balkovi
Grade Level: High School
Discipline: Science, Engineering, Mathematics

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