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Getting the ‘E’ into STEM Funding

Few American K-12 students are ever exposed to engineering in school. Legislation that would start to address that imbalance and fund efforts to bolster engineering education in primary and secondary schools was recently introduced in both the Senate and House. It’s called the Engineering Education for Innovation Act.

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Obama Targets ‘Dropout Epidemic’

President Obama has proposed a $900 million program aimed at tackling America’s “dropout epidemic.” Efforts planned include identifying, early on, those students at risk of dropping out and helping teachers offer personalized instruction.

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Public to Gain Access to School Computers

To help take the pressure off local libraries, and to further its agenda to give more Americans access to broadband Internet connections, the Federal Communications Commission has OKd a rule change that will allow public schools with government-funded computers to make them available to the general public in off-hours.

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