Rube Goldberg Machine Contest
Rube Goldberg was an engineer, author, sculptor, and Pulitzer prizewinning cartoonist. But his biggest claim to fame is inventing ridiculously complex contraptions to do the simplest of tasks, such as zipping a zipper. That was the challenge in the 2014 annual contest that bears his name – which was won by a team of engineering students from Purdue University, shown in the above video.
The 2015 Rube Goldberg Machine ContestĀ is open to middle school students, with a separate contest for high school and college teams. This year’s task: ERASE A CHALKBOARD.
Registration and competitions dates vary, with the bulk falling in early January through mid-February, 2015. Check HERE for high school and college contest sites and times. Registration forĀ middle school contests is Feb. 18, 2015.
Ready… Set… Build!
Filed under: Competitions and Contests
Tags: chalkboard, Contest, contraption, Design, design-build, Rube Goldberg Machine Contest