Kavli Science-In-Fiction Contest
Interplanetary travel, time travel, teleportation, brain-powered computers, and cyborgs are just some of the far-fetched technologies that have been dreamed up over time. Today’s scientists are discovering ways to make these ideas become reality.
Now in its third year, the Kavli science video contest gives middle and high school students the opportunity to investigate how science is portrayed in TV, films, and games, then make a 30- to 90-second video about how current or emerging technologies could help realize those science fiction concept.
Or they can describe what science needs to discover to make it really happen.
The 2014 theme, “Science in Fiction” was inspired by the mission of the Science & Entertainment Exchange, a program of the National Academy of Sciences.
The entry period runs from NOV. 1, 2013 – MARCH 21, 2014
Go to Contest Entry Form
Contest open to Grades 6-12, International Students and US
1st- $2000 and travel to the USA Science and Engineering Festival in Washington, D.C., April 26-27, 2014
2nd- $750
3rd- $500
People’s Choice $250
Filed under: Competitions and Contests, Grades 6-8, Grades 9-12, K-12 Outreach Programs, Special Features
Tags: Competitions for Students, Contest, Grades 6-8, Grades 9-12, Kavli, USA Science and Engineering Fesitval 2014, video