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TEAMS at JETS – Junior Engineering Technical Society

TEAMSTEAMS, JETS flagship program, is an annual academic competition that gives students, in grades 9 – 12, the opportunity to discover the practical applications of math and science by solving some of today’s greatest engineering challenges. More than 14,000 students compete every year in this fun and fast-paced competition that inspires creativity, teamwork, critical thinking and valuable insight into the world of engineering.

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NEDC at JETS – Junior Engineering Technical Society

NEDCHigh School Students Making a Difference! The JETS’ National Engineering Design Challenge (NEDC) is a competition educating young people about careers in engineering, raising social awareness, and inspiring a spirit of engagement and a willingness to help others.

NEDC helps high school students learn first-hand how engineering can make a positive difference in someone’s life. NEDC is a team competition in which students use their creativity…problem solving … math … science … research … writing … presentation and drafting/design skills to create a real-life assistive technology (AT) device to help individuals with disabilities succeed in the workplace and achieve independence in their lives.

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Research Science Institute at Center for Excellence in Education

RSIRSI provides students with an opportunity to conduct original, open-ended research in science, mathematics, or engineering. Jointly sponsored by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the program invites approximately 50 US students to Boston for the period 22 June – 2 August, 2008 for an intensive, no-cost academic experience.

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Virginia Demonstration Project at ONR

VDPThe Virginia Demonstration Project (VDP) is a science and math outreach program for 7th and 8th grade students. The VDP is funded by the Office of Naval Research and is currently being piloted in the middle schools of Stafford, Spotsylvania, and King George County, Virginia. Scientists and engineers employed at the nearby Naval Surface Warfare Center in Dahlgren, Virginia, work alongside the teachers, and, serving as mentors and role models, use problem based learning techniques to give a real-world, Navy-flavored realism to the educational experience. The objective of the program is to increase interest among the students in pursuing careers in math, science, and engineering.

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ASM Undergraduate Scholarship Program

asm-logoThrough fun camps, money for college, and leadership training, the Materials Information Society (ASM) supports students pursuing a career in materials, science and engineering.

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CSU Fresno MESA Schools Program at MESA/Univ. of Calif.

MESAMESA, which stands for Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement, enables educationally disadvantaged students to prepare for and graduate from a four-year college or university with a math-based degree in areas such as engineering, the sciences, computer science, and mathematics. The California State University, Fresno MESA Schools Program was established in 1980. The overall goal of the MESA Schools Program at California State University, Fresno is to motivate and prepare in disadvantaged students, especially those from underserved population, with the knowledge and skills that will enhance their interest and prepare them for professions requiring degrees in engineering, and other mathematics and science-based fields.

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Texas Girls Collaborative Project (TxGCP) at The University of Texas at Austin

TEXGThe Texas Girls Collaborative Project connects organizations and individuals across Texas committed to informing and motivating girls to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).

Visit the TxGCP web site to see what events, camps, programs and research opportunities are available for pre-college students as well as find resources for counselors, teachers and girl-serving organizations.

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College of Engineering Outreach at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo

CALPDo you want to introduce your students to engineering? Cal Poly’s College of Engineering Outreach is available to tell and show students what engineering is all about. Our mission is to inspire students to consider an engineering career path through education and inspiration.

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Expanding Your Horizons at Humboldt State University

EYHThis biennial one day conference is for 5th – 8th grade girls. On a Saturday in the fall, girls come to Humboldt State University to be engineers, scientists and mathematicians.

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